Has anyone ever suggested that you go to the mountains or walk along the ocean to boost your mood? While some of us don’t live near a ocean and most of us can’t install one inside of our home (although the Atlantis Dubai underwater suites and Bill Gates’ Lake Washington living room got pretty close), we can naturally generate negative ions in our indoor environments and reap the positive benefits to our health.
This brings me to my firsthand review of the Himalayan salt lamps and globes from So Well that we’ve been using (and mildly obsessing over) here at Healthy Home Dream Team headquarters.
But, before I dish the salt, I have to give you some essential background on Himalayan salt. If you stumbled on this page, or ever saw a Himalayan salt lamps in a woo-woo crystal or spiritual book shop, then you may have wondered what the heck the Himalayan-hype is all about. For starters, we were all ears (and lungs) to discover:
Salt lamps naturally draw moisture from the air; subsequently releasing negative ions in the air that neutralize bacteria, mold, pollen and other allergens.
Healing Properties of Himalayan Salt
I was first introduced to Himalayan salt when a guest chef for RonandLisa included it in her recipe. I didn’t understand why I couldn’t just use regular salt (turns out, you can. But, after reading this – you won’t).
After meeting the founder of So Well, Isabella Samovsky, I started learning more about the numerous health benefits of Himalayan salt and how the ionizing effects of the salt in lamp form actually clean and purify the air; making them great for allergy and asthma suffers. But, I soon learned that the detox buck didn’t stop there. The negative ions also can increase levels of the mood-boosting chemical, serotonin, to reduce stress and relieve depression; improve eczema; and aid in sleeping, detoxification and pain relief. Geez, this could almost pass as a pharmaceutical commercial – sans the long list of potential side effects – of which there are none.
Nature’s Allergy Remedy
While I personally like cowboys, mama’s, please don’t let your babies grow up have allergies. With over 65 million Americans suffering today, why not try a more natural remedy? Himalayan salt is also known to be exceptionally beneficial for children with sinus and respiratory disorders brought on by allergies. There are numerous ways you, your sniffling spouse or your kiddos can break free from annoying allergy symptoms including applying Himalayan salt directly, using a Himalayan salt stone to dry rub the skin daily. It’s antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and rich with minerals. Did I mention zero side effects? In addition, you can try other natural approaches using Himalayan salt as featured HERE which include: taking the salt internally, incorporating a salt lamp, using a salt inhaler or enjoying salt room for therapy.
Reduce Radiation with Himalayan Salt Lamps
It’s no secret that we’re bombarded daily with radio frequencies and numerous sources of Wi-Fi radiation via our smart phones, cordless phones, microwaves, tablets and yes, even your FitBit’s. While reducing your exposure and implementing our 17-step avoidance strategy (offered via our 30-day online program), is mandatory, there is another element that can help. You guessed it. Himalayan salt lamps.
Radiation is filled with positive ions, which are basically atoms stripped of their electrons. Positive ions are often responsible for a lack of immune system; feeling blah or under the weather. Positive ions also increase stress and irritability which is no fun for you – or, those around you. The positive ions in electromagnetic radiation also are known to cause fatigue.
Healing with Himalayan Salt Lights
Since the atomic structure of crystal salt contains more negative chloride ions than positive sodium ions, this results in the emission of negative ions during the natural ionization process. Negative ions become dust collectors, attaching themselves to positively charged dust particles and cigarette smoke, purifying the circulating indoors air from dust, bacteria and pollutants.
If you want to improve your office or workspace, consider incorporating a USB Himalayan salt light to help you experience deeper rest and wake up feeling renewed and refreshed.
This lamp, in particular, is perfect for a home office – or any office – to positively charge the air around you. The USB Himalayan salt lights come in two lovely colors and two shapes: white, and amber glow in natural and round. These colors have been used in color therapy—or chromeotherapy—to relieve pain, provide a deeper sleep, and help to focus the mind. Ahh, nature really does have all the answers, doesn’t it? Watch what makes the So Well salt lamps superior to competitor lamps:
In fact, Himalayan salt contains 84 different minerals, including the two main types of fluoride naturally found on Earth: calcium fluoride, and sodium fluoride—which, unlike Fluorosilicic acid, a chemical byproduct of phosphate fertilizer industry adding to public drinking water —these two forms are essential to human health.
Lamps to Fit Your Personal Style
As you can see, there are numerous benefits to dry salt therapy in it’s variety of forms and applications. Ron and I have the WELL RAW White Salt lamp (the newer design, or ‘raw’ concept which look fantastic in our kitchen) as well as the White Himalayan Globe Salt Light (proudly displayed in our living room) and a few White Round Candle Holders for added ambiance to match our contemporary home design. I am personally obsessed with two things: health and good design. So, if you experienced these in our space, you’d be in {R}awe! They add such a peaceful and calming glow to our home, but more importantly, add priceless healing benefits.
Fair Wage, Fair Trade
Ron and I adore So Well from the people and the products to the packaging. They truly have thought through every aspect of making their products 100% natural, homeopathic, safe, organic, earth friendly, vegan, Fair Trade and made in the USA. Every purchase goes to bettering the lives of their artisans and craftsmen.
Yes, I would say in fair review that the people at So Well are in fact, the
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Enter to Win
Unless you’ve been living in a Himalayan salt cave, then you’ve probably seen our Home & Body Spring Detox Sweepstakes happening right now. If you haven’t yet entered, head on over, because FIVE lucky peeps will win home & body detox items valued over $350.00 total to spring into health with.
My grandaughter bought me one for Christmas . I love it.
That is wonderful Gwenny! What a special gift indeed. It really is amazing how many health benefits come with using a Himalayan salt lamp. It must be turned on (ie: heated) to really work it’s magic. Happy New Year!
Hi I’m trying to find Isabella from So Well. I used to buy salt lamps & pillows from her in Skokie. She moved her business to Indiana. I’m looking to purchase a salt pillow. Do you know where I can find her or purchase a salt pillow?