Let’s face it, fleas are annoying to both pets and humans. There is a higher chance of having fleas in your home if you have pets living with you. You’ll notice these insects as they hop around on the carpet, your pet’s bedding, or on and around your pet. Black specks or particles on the pet’s bedding that resemble pepper or dots on the pet’s skin are a good indication that fleas are present.
However, you can still have fleas present even if you don’t own a pet. For instance, when you go outside for a walk, you can bring these tiny insects indoors unknowingly, as fleas can hitch a ride on clothing. If you are not a pet owner, remember that mice, rats, and squirrels that invade homes can also be a host for fleas.
Below are some signs that fleas may be present in your home. Once you identify fleas in your home or on your pet, you’ll be able to take the necessary to get rid of them.
Five Signs of a Fleas in Your Home
1. Flea bites
Flea bites can affect both humans and pets. Flea bites sting slightly and the punctured skin turns red. The bitten area can be irritating and itchy and easily mistaken for a mosquito bite. Fortunately, mosquitoes are seasonal, so it easy to determine the source of the sting especially if mosquitoes aren’t active. Most fleas bite around the ankles because as they hide in the carpet, making your ankles the first place they reach.
2. Excessive scratching
If you have noticed that your cat or dog is scratching more than usual, they could have become hosts to these vermin. While the fleas are sucking blood and crawling on your pet, the pet will keep biting and licking themselves constantly. You can inspect your pet’s skin by moving its fur. If these insects have already infested your dog or cat, you should be able to spot a few on their skin.
Look for the presence of fleas around your pet’s tail base and neck, according to a study by Flea Science. With a flea infestation, you will easily find black or red specks of the flea feces and flea bite scabs on their skin.
3. Loss of pet fur

You may fail to see the fleas, but you can surely detect fur falling off from your pet’s skin; an indicator of the presence of fleas. Typically, flea bites will cause your pet’s coat to react. This allergic reaction is what causes the hair loss. Moreover, in the areas with fur loss, you’ll find reddened skin or tiny black pepper-like dots. Use a towel or a white cloth and give the black dots a swipe, if it generates red streaks, then this is flea dirt. If you see signs of fleas, you should contact a veterinarian for treatment recommendations.
4. Pale gums
Fleas sting to suck blood, and so with a high infestation of fleas, your pet will acquire symptoms of anemia. Looking for pale gums is another simple way of checking the presence of these insects. Fleas extract vast amounts of blood from your pet and the red blood cells produced by your pet are not sufficient. With blood loss, your cat or dog is prone to death, which can be a significant loss emotionally and financially.
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5. Fleas hopping around
These jumpers are easy to spot around the carpet and even on your pet’s skin. When you see fleas, it should ring a bell that these annoying parasites have invaded your home. Remember, it isn’t required to own a pet to get fleas, as you may carry them yourself from outside into your residence.
There are numerous signs if you have fleas present in your home. Once you have detected fleas indoors, it is important to consult a veterinarian for the proper protocol to eliminate them. These insects love dusty areas, so it is prudent to keep your pets and house clean and tidy. You can also purchase flea and tick prevention medicine for your dog or cat. Also, ensure that your draperies, rugs, carpets, and floors are vacuumed regularly and that clutter is kept to a minimum. These methods will help to eliminate larvae, eggs, and adult fleas. Hopefully, by noticing these signs, you can easily remove prevent and remove fleas from your pet and home.
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