Are you experiencing a host of negative health symptoms, but have no idea what is causing them? Or have spent boatloads of money, but feel like you’re living in a never-ending loop of suffering? Rather than just suppressing symptoms, naturopathic doctors work to identify underlying causes of illness and develop personalized treatment plans to address… Read More
96: 6 Money Mindset Resolutions for 2024
Who wants more money this year? Silly question, right? We could all do more with more money in 2024, yes? But for the money to start rolling in, consider that you first may have to change your mindset around money. Money can bring us absolute joy. But it can also bring unbelievable stress. And… Read More
95: Navigating the Toxins Hiding in Plain Sight
It’s without question that environmental toxins are wreaking havoc on our health today. The prevalence of these toxins is posing a significant threat to public health, affecting everything from childhood development to adult chronic illnesses. A toxic environment and inflammation may even play a role in cancer. Fine-particulate air pollution present in the air we… Read More
94: Tips to Reduce Stress, Anxiety and OCD
We all feel stressed and anxious from time to time and, most of us enjoy a daily routine and order. But, how do you know when your anxiety has reached an unhealthy level? According to the CDC, 27.3% of Americans aged 18 and over have symptoms of an anxiety disorder; that’s over a quarter of… Read More
93: Asthma Capitals: The Most Challenging US Cities
Think you may live in an asthma capital? Hang tight because our guest today is going to tell you. If sniffling, sneezing, stuffy nose, and watery eyes have got you down, you’re not alone. More than 100 million Americans suffer from various types of allergies, including 81 million with seasonal allergic rhinitis, triggered by pollen… Read More
92: The World’s Healthiest Memory Foam Mattress
How’s your sleep? Today, about 50 to 70 million Americans have sleep or wakefulness disorders which are associated with a growing number of health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers. If you can relate, you don’t want to miss this episode. Our guest, Jack Dell’Accio, CEO and founder of… Read More
91: Lyme, Mold & Environmentally Acquired Illnesses
Did you know that conventional labs miss 50% of Lyme cases? If you’ve been diagnosed with environmentally acquired illnesses or Lyme disease (or suspect you have either), you DON’T want to miss this episode. Our guest, Dr. T Emily Rowe, is the Co-Founder of Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center. Emily graduated from the University of… Read More
90: Detox Your Emotions with the Body Code
Have you ever thought about how much your emotions influence your health? Could emotional trauma be the root cause of most of the discomfort and illness you experience in your life? Stress is an epidemic in modern life. According to the American Psychological Association, nearly half of all U.S. adults (49%) say that stress has… Read More