Otherwise known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda is a white powder with a salty taste derived from the mineral natron. It’s been used since the 19th century for baking and is safe and nontoxic. Many people confuse baking powder (which can contain aluminum) with baking soda which does NOT contain aluminum.
Today, baking soda offers a plethora of cleaning uses in and around our home. Below are 51 uses for baking soda. Got a favorite? Let us know in the comments below (and feel free to share a new idea)!
Love your list! Many of these uses really work in my health-based cleaning service. Will have to try the others! Here’s another I discovered, on-the-job.
How re-use a stainless steel pad, without it rusting: Rinse the pad clean when you’re done using it. Leave the pad soaking in water, w/ a tablespoon-or-so baking soda mixed in. Ready to use again, anytime! Of course, if the pad’s too shredded from scrubbing, toss it. Works w/ plain steel wool pads. Haven’t tried this w/ the detergent-treated pads, which I don’t buy anyway.
I’m offering pro baking soda and vinegar tips on my website, as a free signup gift. Including special tips for cleaning up oil or grease.
Great tip Regina! Thanks for sharing 馃檪 It’s so wonderful you offer a green cleaning service for your community! Great job greening it forward.
And I assume fleas and other pests don’t like baking soda. At least it won’t hurt to try!
We don’t have any personal experience with this, but let us know if this works for you!
How to clean my apartment as quickly /easily as possible
We’re talking shower, oven, stove, hardwood floors, under the bed, etc. Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated.
*Bonus: I also have a bunch of scratches on my hardwood floors.. if someone’s knows how to cheaply fix that, I’d be a happy human and I’ll even knight you
Have you tried to stain them with tea? It’s natural and hides wood floor scratches!
Wonderful infographic ????
Cleaning is really important.