By Carol Cannon, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
The Yang energy of summer is behind us now as we enter the Yin time of year. Feng Shui follows the natural sequence of the seasons, and this time of year allows us to start letting go of things – both in our outer home environment, as well as our inner physical/mental/emotional world. Fall is symbolic of this shedding – leaves begin to fall, the air is cooler and we start preparing for the holidays. Here are five steps that you can implement to make the most out of this shedding and healing time of year.
1. Make a list of your innermost desires.
While thoughts do create our reality, writing them down reinforces them even more. Take a look at the nine areas of the Bagua, and write down what you’d like to change in your life in each area. The nine areas include:
1. Career
2. Knowledge/Spirituality
3. Family & Friends
4. Wealth/Prosperity
5. Fame/Reputation
6. Relationships
7. Health
8. Children/Inner Child
9. Helpful People/Travel
This action will bring your big, Yang ideas to a place of Yin grounding.
2. Clear your home’s energy.
Yes, our homes hold on to things we don’t want and it’s up to us to let them go. Like almost anything in life, it’s difficult to move forward if we don’t begin with a blank slate. Remove anything that you simply do not like in your home. Do you have multiples of items? Then, give some away. Can you see everything that you own? If it’s buried, bring it out and enjoy it. Walking through your home with a bell or sage while chanting a sacred mantra and visualizing clarity is another way to clear the deck. Take a look at my past blog about clearing for even more ideas!
3. Look at your floor plan and correct any Feng Shui imbalances.
If your home is not perfectly square or rectangular, you could have some inherent challenges to reaching your goals. Looking for love but have a huge cut out area in the rear right hand corner? Part of your Relationship area could be missing! Hang a photo of your ideal love on the outer wall and visualize that he/she is on the way into your life. Want a new, better paying job, but your front door is recessed from the front line of your home? This is the area that impacts your Career. Place two plants on each of the front outside corners of the cut out area, set your intentions for where you’ll be working next, and wait for the offers to flow in. Once the perimeter of your home/condo/apartment is in balance, life will start to flow more positively.
4. Focus on your most pressing goal.
Taking one step at a time is a BIG move in the right direction. When using the tools of Feng Shui, one change can bring a massive impact into your life. For instance, if Career is a pressing need to change right now, and you’ve reviewed the front center of your home, what else might impact this area? Look at the opposite area, in this case, the Fame/Reputation area of your home in the central rear section of the home. This is an area ruled by the Fire element. Do you have a swimming pool outside of this area? Try planting red flowers around the pool and set your intentions for making a positive first appearance on that interview. There are numerous ways to look for answers to one question in the Feng Shui of your environment.
5. Create a space for meditation.
Wherever you can locate a quiet, little get away in your home, take advantage of using that space for meditation and contemplation. Clear the inner workings of your mind so the Universe can plant seeds to help you manifest all that it is waiting for you to become. Always remember to express your gratitude, too. And, be of service to those around you that might need your assistance. What we learn, we can pass on to others and complete the circle of Giving and Receiving that nurtures everyone.
Are you ready to change your life? The Fall/Winter time is a perfect Yin time to begin your planning to prepare for Yang expression as the new year progresses. Incorporate these five simple steps, leading to huge changes in your inner and outer reality. All it takes is that first baby step.
Carol Cannon, a graduate of the New York School of Feng Shui has been a Feng Shui Practitioner since 1993. She is also certified as a BBEC (Building Biologie™ Environmental Consultant). As a resident of Emmaus, PA, Carol’s passion is to help people find peace and joy in their lives. Visit Carol HERE.
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