It’s coming to a neighborhood near you whether we like it or not, and, in this episode, Building Biology Environmental Consultant and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, Oram Miller, explains everything we need to know about the worldwide rollout of 5G. He’ll break down how 5G and 4G differ and how to determine if a cell phone… Read More
7: Wireless Dangers at Home (Part II)
Picking up from Part I with Building Biology Environmental Consultant and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, Liz Menkes of EMF Healthy, we continue the enlightening conversation on wireless devices that permeate homes today. Liz shares hidden sources of wireless radiation such as cordless phones and not-so-smart ‘smart’ meters. Liz offers suggestions to reduce cell phone usage for… Read More
6: Vaccine Shockers with Dr. Wakefield
A doctor falsely accused of scientific and medical misconduct, whose discoveries opened up entirely new perceptions of childhood autism, the gut-brain link, and vaccine safety is our special guest. Dr. Andrew Wakefield is an award-winning filmmaker who illuminated the revelations of a vaccine scientist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in his… Read More
5: Sleeping with the Enemy
In this episode, Building Biology Environmental Consultant, Stephen Collette, BBEC, BBNC, LEED AP, CAHP, BSS shares insight on simple and affordable ways to create a safe sleep sanctuary. Stephen breaks down the enemies affecting our health while we sleep each night including biological and chemical pollution, particulate matter, and electromagnetic radiation. Stephen sheds light on… Read More
4: The Truth About Mold
Boarded in Emergency and Environmental Medicine, Dr. Lisa Nagy, shares over-the-counter supplements that can help prevent viral infections. She also discusses the ways that toxic exposures in our homes affect our immune systems. We dive deep into indoor mold with and hear about her personal journey as well as a concerned caller whose life… Read More
3: MDs Reveal COVID-19 Truth Bombs!
In this episode, Baubiologists, Ron and Lisa Beres, speak with doctors Justyna and Victor Sanders about the risks, symptoms, and outcomes of the current COVID-19 pandemic. We delve into which portion of the population is at the highest risk of contracting COVID-19 and take a deep dive into what the short-term and long-term effects are. We… Read More
2: Wireless Dangers at Home (Part 1)
In this episode of Healthy Home Hacks, Building Biology Environmental Consultant, and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, Liz Menkes, discusses the sources of wireless radiation in our homes today. From the most serious wireless issues she finds in her professional home assessments and consultations to her suggestions on going hard-wired, Liz takes us down the radiation rabbit… Read More
1: DIY Home Sanitizing vs Disinfecting
Concerned mother and investigative chemist, Alexis Rochester, breaks down the differences between sanitizing and disinfecting. Alexis illustrates how to properly disinfect surfaces in your home and suggests very surprising and affordable do-it-yourself recipes to help you keep germs away without harming your health. Her DIY recipes include everything from disinfecting spray cleaners to mold and… Read More