Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy is the Medical Director of the Center for New Medicine and The Cancer Center for Healing. Together, which have become the largest Integrative Medical Clinic in North America. She’s the author of The Cancer Revolution and Be Perfectly Healthy and was named a top 50 functional & integrative doctor in the country.
In this episode, we discuss the importance of treating the whole person, the patient, and not the disease of the patient while determining the origin of the illness as well as cancer prevention, breast screening methods, integrative approaches to treating cancer, and the importance of purifying and detoxing through food and lifestyle.
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Episode Links:
- ConnealyMD
- Center for New Medicine
- Cancer Center for Healing
- The Cancer Revolution (book)
- TED Talk at the Yost Theatre
Narrator How would you like to improve your health and keep your family safe? You're listening to the healthy home hacks podcast where we firmly believe enjoying optimal health shouldn't be a luxury healthy home authorities and husband and wife team Ron and Lisa will help you create a home environment that will level up your health. It's time to hear from the experts. listen in on honest conversations and gain the best tips and advice. If you're ready to dive in and improve your well-being and increase your energy, you're in the right place. All right, here are your hosts, Val biologists, authors, media darlings, vicarious vegans and avocado aficionados, Ron and Lisa Beres. Lisa Beres Over a decade ago, I was sitting in the dentist's office awaiting my appointment. I picked up one of those luxurious California Coastal magazines, you know, the ones that make you feel like you're living in a shoe box? Well, a state envy aside, I was browsing through the glassy images of beachfront mansions and just about to dip my toes in the warm sand, when suddenly, I was jolted from a brief yet blissful Daydream by an article that caught my attention dating, and I was just about to tell the pool boy to bring me a spritzer and a cold towel. Anyway, I can't remember the title of the article. But I do recall reading a section where the doctor being interviewed was advising against the use of nonstick cookware, among many other healthy living tips. So, this was on the heels of Ron and I launching our first business green nest. So, I continued to read the entire article, and I said to myself, Holy moly, this doctor is smart, she's savvy and so ahead of others in the medical industry. Oh, and her focus about getting to the root cause of illness and eliminating everyday toxins sold. I proceeded to locate her bio and was shocked to find my doppelganger of a physician was practicing in my very own town. How had I not heard of her before? needless to say, since then, Ron and I have been patients of her 35,000 square foot, state of the art integrative Medical Center, where our special guest today Dr. Lee Aaron Connealy serves as the medical director, Dr. chameleon is a leader in the integrative and functional medicine field. Now listeners if you're not aware of what those terms mean, it means integrating conventional homeopathic, Eastern medicine, as well as the new modern medicine. And as Lisa said, Dr. Keneally is the medical director of not just the Center for new medicine, which she founded in 1992, but also the cancer center for healing. And together they had become the largest integrative medical clinic in North America and are visited by patients from all over the world with an impressive 47,000 patients and growing Now Dr. Keneally feels we must treat the whole person, the patient and not the disease of the patient while determining the origin of illness. And she and her team focus on internal medicine, cancer prevention, providing unique testing to determine the early stages of cancer years before a scan can reveal it. Dr. Cornelia is also She's the author of two books, the cancer revolution and be perfectly healthy, one of my favorites, and in 2017 she was named one of the top 50 functional and integrative doctors in the country. You can find her beautiful clinic in Irvine, California like Lisa and I did but To learn more visit Connealy md.com that�s www.ConnealyMD.com. Dr. Connealy Nice to see you beautiful people again, I've been seeing you guys in a while. I'm just thrilled to be here. Ron Beres You're saying we're due for an appointment. Lisa Beres We were there. We've been there for our checkups. Ron Beres Absolutely. Lisa Beres Thank you so much for being with us today. It's an honor and listeners please stay through until the end because we have two awesome gifts for you one the juice plan which will have you pumping and sipping your way to health and to the 14 day keto Plan to Eat your way to health links to both will be in the show notes at Ronandlisa.com/podcast that's Ron and Lisa forward slash podcast. Ron Beres Dr. Connealy. We are big fans of your work and you're focused on prevention and getting to the root cause of illness. So, what can we do to prevent cancer today, and this is an open-ended question, but what can we do today to prevent cancer today? Dr. Connealy Well, that's a loaded question. But, but you're right we need to really focus on prevention. And early detection. So just a couple of things. So, people know where I come from and why I am focusing on this. Well, first of all, I'm all about prevention of all diseases, whether it's cancer, the top three killers are heart disease, cancer, and doctors, medications, hospital errors, and everything are number three believe. Oh, boy, repeat that again. So, we have the top three top three illnesses are heart disease, cancer. And third is doctors, medications errors are all in that category. Wow. Yeah, that number is rising. Yeah, it is very, but Johns Hopkins 2017 did the study and it's published. And you know, that is just the way it is. Because, unfortunately, people are giving medications a pill for every ill. And there's lots of complications with giving medications. And that's why I'm doing what I'm doing today. Because I was born in the 50s. And I, my mother, when she was pregnant was given a drug to prevent miscarriage and loss of her baby. And so of course, 15 years later, they find out that that drug, cause cancer, hormone problems, anatomical problems, skeletal problems, all kinds of problems. And so, I started going to a Cancer Institute when I was 16 years of age, I've never really gone to the doctor. And so, because I'm one of those, what they call DDS babies, right, I was started to be, they wanted to make sure that there was nothing wrong. And that's what I've been doing for, you know, my whole life in my whole career. And that was one of the reasons why I became a physician. But people don't understand that cancer really takes about 10 years to develop a tumor. So, cancer starts with actually one abnormal cancer. So, want just one, so one cell, you're not going to see you're not going to feel you're not going to everything. And that that then replicates itself, because they're immortal, right? So, they, and then when it comes a mass, it takes about 10 years to show up on an ultrasound, MRI, CT scan. All right, wow. Right. And then that's why you're not going to feel it, you won't feel anything because your body has unbelievable resiliency and capacity. And so, you're not going to feel a little bump, right? And, you know, you're not going to feel especially you might in your breast, but what if it were in your abdomen, or what if it was in your pelvis, or what if it was, you know, in a part of the body where there's like the lungs, you don't build anything. That's why the fatality rate of lung cancer is like over 75%. Because we have these huge logs and you feel nothing, you're not going to have a car. Like I had a patient today, who has stage four testicular cancer. And so, I was reading his scan to him, and he's got multiple nodules. And as long as something that was five centimeters, I said, do you have any symptoms whatsoever? He said, not one symptom? Because I feel great. I feel wonderful. So that is why are our early detection and prevention program, and no one has it. No one knows how to do what we're doing in the world. And I'm not saying that I know everything because I don't. But what I'm telling you is the way that we designed our paradigm to really dig deep, okay, we don't rely on tumor markers. We don't rely on CT scans, we don't rely, yes, those are helpful in looking at everything because sometimes you have to do PET scans, CT scans, MRIs and all that. But I have many a patient right now that have clean scans, but they have cancer. Okay, so yes. So just because you have a clean scan again, and I know this is really getting complicated for people out there listening. They're like what, because there's something called circulating tumor cells, circulating tumor cells appeared you guys, when something is about one millimeter in size, one millimeter, that's a pencil line. Why are you going to see that on a scan? Are you going to see that problem? What are some of the latest tests that we can do if we if we can't see this and some of these traditional testing methods? What are the scans or tools that you use to figure Okay, so what I use First of all, the most important thing is to do comprehensive bloodwork on someone so what is that? A chemistry panel looking at your electrolytes, your kidney, your liver, okay? 50% of the population has fatty liver. So, you need to do those liver function. Okay, that's 102 people have better look what and what is the cause of so much fat? Is it just toxic toxins, toxins, toxins galore, then people's diet? So, we'll talk about that in a second. Then I do something called the C reactive protein. That's the nonspecific marker for inflammation if you have inflammation, inflammation is the precursor to all diseases. You never want inflammation. So, what's the ideal level? 0.5 or less? Okay, Lisa Beres Repeat that. Dr. Connealy So, inflammation is the precursor to all diseases like heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, everything related to inflammation. Lisa Beres Which is so important for listeners because we hear that it seems like such a buzzword. And I think a lot of people when they think of inflammation, they just think of, I don't know, like your skin being inflamed or you know. Dr. Connealy People can have no joint pain or no skin problems and have high C reactive protein. Okay. So that's the marker. It's done by any lab. None of this laboratory, you guys is hard to get it can be done at any laboratory. You can order it yourself. Actually. Ron Beres What did you call the marker, doctor? Lisa Beres C, reactive protein? Dr. Connealy Right? I'm sure you've had it done. Lisa Beres Yeah, we are in good hands at your center. Right? Dr. Connealy Yeah. So, C reactive protein and by insurance, covered by insurance, okay. And then vitamin D, vitamin D influences over 3000 genes, they found out that so cancer, viral problems, heart disease, blood sugar, Alzheimer's, all related to vitamin D. So, I optimal vitamin D is between 50 and 70. Okay, Lisa Beres And how much do you recommend taking a day? Or does it just depend on the person and where your level? Dr. Connealy It depends on the person I personally take 10,000 IU�s Monday through Friday. Lisa Beres Oh. Monday through Friday. Dr. Connealy None on the weekends. Right. Lisa Beres Interesting, because I take five and I just got my blood test. Dr. Connealy And what was your lab? Lisa Beres My lab work and it was on the low end of normal and I was kind of surprised because I take 5,000 a day is a lot but I need to up mine apparently. I'm going to follow your doctor's orders there. Dr. Connealy Right? And the older you be, the older you are, the less you absorb. So, it's always a good idea. So young people absorb vitamin D a little better than someone older so vitamin D though is like I tell people vitamin D is a hormone and a vitamin. So, it's, it's one of those things vital to your health. Lisa Beres With these tests, do you think the reason that a lot of physicians don't order these tests? Is it they don't know; I hate to say laziness? What is it? Dr. Connealy I mean, because I think it's just, they just don't know and they don't read all the research because like when I finished medical school in 84, okay, they didn't have all the information that I know today. But I love information on that is my hobby is reading, reading, reading. That's just what I like to do. Okay. And so, I'm also aging myself. I'm not aging, but I'm getting chronologically older. Lisa Beres Gorgeous, she looks gorgeous. I know you guys can�t see her. She looks stunning. Dr. Connealy I don't even know but I want to feel great myself. I want to whatever. Whatever time I have on this planet, I want to feel great. Lisa Beres That's really great. I love that Dr. Connealy Every now because we don't know we don't know and no one knows their expiration day. But we're going to make today great. And that's what I always tell patients when they're coming very sick. But let's learn how to make today. Lisa Beres Great. I love that. Yeah, and optimal like living optimally. I think that people accept not feeling good and accept you know that they're going to be on medication or they're going to get in and switching that to not just being not just not being sick. But being optimal having that energy and that vibrancy. And if you if you could see Dr. chameleon, which is so vibrant, I know you're just an energizer bunny because I follow you on social media and you're always go and taking care of so many patients and you do such an incredible job. But I wanted to go back to the cancer cell issue that we were talking about at the beginning right. Now Can people have cancer cells, but they're not sort of active? Is that the right terminology? Dr. Connealy Well, that�s a good. No, we all, we're a biochemical machine. So, we're always making abnormal and normal cells all the time. And so, we have a program in our body called a pop ptosis. And that's a fancy name for programmed cancer cell death. So, we have our beautiful immune system and our beautiful immune system is killing the cancer cells. Okay, okay. But once your immune system has become overwhelmed, then you start making a cancer cell that has become a stem cell, or a circulating tumor cell. Lisa Beres Oh, okay. So that's somebody get a test and they say, Oh, we see a cancer cell but it's, your body could Ward that off? No. Dr. Connealy No, no, no. You can do a specific blood test, though for circle circulating tumor cells and start circulating stem cells. Yes, you can. Okay. Which are those blood tests? Yeah, so those blood tests are done all over the world. But literally all over the world, but it's about using the best lab. Okay, um, Okay, right. So, there's labs that do that specialize, like, for example, Lyme testing. Lyme testing really isn't best at a LabCorp, Quest, you want to use a lab that that's all they specialize in. I use a lab in Greece, that all they specialize in cancer testing. That's all they do. All right. And they've been around for about 16 years, they're already present in 15 countries. And they have the most sophisticated cancer testing of any lab I've used. Now I have used the other labs, just because I'm like, well, maybe this lab is good. Maybe this one is, but when I spent spend, send a lot of specimens there. I can tell Well, no, that's impossible. That doesn't correlate at all with the patient. So, I kind of have resorted to the lab in Greece that I've been using. Lisa Beres Oh, that makes so much sense. We had a homeopathic and acupuncturist on the show recently, and she said the same thing. She does a lot of environmental toxin tests for heavy metals and parasites and mold. And she said the exact same thing, it's incredible, incredibly important that it goes to the correct lab, because she could send it to one lab. And like you said, it comes back like oh, we didn't find anything, but the good lab is going to detect. I guess I would go with food sensitivities and food allergies, too. Dr. Connealy That's another one. Yes, you have to get good food allergy testing, because some of them are, if you just send it to lab core or quest, the food allergy isn't that good. But as soon as you send it to a specific lab, just like nutrition, just like vitamin testing, yeah. You mentioned Mold Testing. But all this it's really the lab you use to ascertain the results. Yes. Okay. Ron Beres And the unfortunate thing, is that usually covered by insurance, though, right? So that's part of the obstacle with health freedom is kind of being blocked, right? Dr. Connealy Well, yes, it they can't circulating tumor cell stem cell test is not covered by insurance. But I tell people, wouldn't it be better for you to know that you have something really early for $500. And then wait till you have cancer and you have to have surgery; you have to have chemo and you have to have radiation. And you have to have all these testing and you have to have all these scans. So, the money you put out later, is way more than the $500 preventive testing that you're doing. Yeah. Ron Beres Yeah, that's great. I didn't realize there's a $500 test and it's preventative I, I guess I was thinking from the perspective of someone who already had an illness or cancer, you're trying to identify various things to the lab, whether you're talking about going to your facility and really taking out one of these tests. Lisa Beres Being really proactive. Dr. Connealy Yeah. Listen, if you know what, any disease process guys, I've been doing this 34 years, it's so much easier to prevent illness and early detection and then treat Yeah, okay. Yeah. So, I do heart disease the same way. All right. I never have let me tell you, I can't even tell you the last time I had a heart attack patient that had a heart attack without me knowing it. In one year, I have not I can't, because I do so much prevention. So, they that they never have a heart attack. Lisa Beres Right. Right. That's incredible. Yes. Okay. So, what's the timeline going from a rogue cell to a noticeable or detectable cancer diagnosis? I think you said eight years is that right? Dr. Connealy Eight to 10 years? Exactly. or so. Right. And like, that's so many. Lisa Beres I mean, I have a friend who had lung cancer, and she had absolutely no symptoms, she actually tripped and fell and went in and they did an X ray to see if she had a broken bone. And that's how they found it. And it was actually such a blessing in disguise that happens. So, I know, we all know people, our listeners, we've all known somebody who this has happened to one day, they just seemed really perfectly healthy. And then the next day you find out they've been diagnosed with something. Dr. Connealy So yeah, that�s why Lisa, it is just absolutely critical that we do these simple blood tests that are covered by insurance. And then like I said, that 500 blood dollar blood test is not I would you can write it off on your HSA or some other way, you know, with other things, you know, I tell people because a lot of the stuff that we can work up is covered by insurance, like ultrasounds are covered like, you can do an ultrasound not of every single part of the body, but a lot of parts of the body. A chest X ray is inexpensive. Okay. I mean, when you think about it, there's a lot of good testing that's covered by insurance that. Yeah, one other test that I do that I've been doing for about 23 years is the bioenergetic testing. So, you have acupuncture points in your fingers and toes that correspond to every organ in your body, and so on. Before you feel something, like I said something happens, correct? Yeah, right. Yeah. So, I always give the analogy. If you throw a baseball into a mirror before it hits the mirror, a lot of energy took place. Correct? Yeah. So, you have beautiful acupuncture points. And they detect, they're actually all related like a wire to an organ in your body. So, we do this bioenergetic testing that detects imbalances, these are imbalances that are occurring before you feel anything. Okay. So that's another testing, I learned. I did not learn that in medical school, I learned that actually at an anti-aging conference. And I thought it was a little woo woo when I first heard about it, because it Well, I do I mean, I'm always skeptical. And I'm like, Whoa, that's a little bit out of my comfort zone. And I'm like, Well, wait, am I being stupid? Like, I don't know anything about this? Let me go delve into it and do due diligence. And now I can't practice medicine without it. Lisa Beres Oh, wow. What is that called? Dr. Connealy It's called the bio immune survey, bio immune surgery and survey. Yeah. So, if you haven't had, if you and Ron have not had it done, I would highly recommend it's not something you have to do like all the time. Yeah. But I would tell patients like once a year, it's 200 bucks, 200 bucks, 200 bucks. I go, that's just not expensive for finding and a lot of information. Lisa Beres Yeah, you do such a good job. I know you are always learning; you'd mentioned that at the top of the show. I know you're always going to conferences, you're very open minded. I've, you know, we obviously go to your center. And we've learned for such a long time. And I've heard your team even say, hey, doctor, Dr. Connealy made sure I researched this. Before we approve this, I had to do a presentation to her and say, right, why do we want this new technology, even with the skincare because you have a division that does like even skincare at your site. But it's really cool, because a lot of doctors don't like you said, that's just the end that where their education ended, and keep kind of regurgitating the formulas and don't spend enough time with their patients. And I know you guys that's not like that there. I mean, you guys definitely take the time, right? Ron Beres Not only that, you actually give so much hope to people, you know. So, if you go into a generic, generic stale hospital or facility, it's different than what you offer. I mean, literally, when people walk into your place, they're usually desperate, right? They've maybe not taking cautionary measures to be healthy beforehand. But you give such a high level of hope, and optimism. And that is exactly what someone needs when they're at their lowest moment. And that's evident by walking into your facility, like I mentioned to so in addition to all this new technology, and all these, you're constantly learning so as your team, it's such a positive place. Lisa Beres And Dr. Connealy, why is a mindset Why is a positive mindset or mental state important when someone has been diagnosed with cancer? Dr. Connealy Right? Well, no, it's important no matter what, it doesn't matter, if you don't have a diagnosis of cancer doesn't matter what it is because your mind brain is connected to your body. So unfortunately, we should have all learned this early on, because we would have all helped all of us. But now, but now the science is in that whatever word the 65 75,000 thoughts that we have every day are actually making signal modulates signaling molecules to a cell. So, it's, it's up here, then through your bloodstream travels, the energy of that thought, okay, yeah. So, I always tell patients, we become what we think about most of the time. So, we might as well live in an attitude of gratitude all the time. Yeah, we might as well be appreciative our existence, we might as well be caring, loving, compassionate and joyful to ourselves and to someone else. Always. Lisa Beres Attitude of Gratitude is something Ron and I do every day, pretty much. I mean, we could just be driving. I do it every day, all day long day. Yeah. And some for some people, it might be a gratitude journal. I mean, there's a lot of ways you can do it. Obviously, we meditate everyday too, but we're just driving in the car or going on a walk. It's a Hey, let's do an attitude of gratitude. And it instantly uplifts your mood. By the way, if you're feeling down about anything, you start to do this. And you can pick the littlest tiniest things like I appreciate my bedroom sheets. I appreciate this fresh air. I appreciate the trees outside. Exactly. Yeah, it can be little things. And I think that our sister in law who you know who had stage four cancer, she was so incredible with her attitude. I mean, Ron and I were always just so blown away how positive she was. And she, she just always had a smile on her face and always had such a positive outlook, no matter what was going on with her and she was just she was just amazing. It's such an inspiration to us and hopefully to anybody listening to this too. Ron Beres Absolutely right doctor. Your say cancer is a word, not a sentence. And so we kind of talked about this not to give up hope, particularly if you have a serious illness like stage four cancer, why is it you know, having a support system that is on the same page as you important for the healing journey outside of the mental aspect? Why is that so important as you go through this process? Dr. Connealy Well, because we often feel alone when people hear the word cancer, they immediately connote it with death. And there are lots of cancer survivors, okay. And that's what I would tell people to do is listen to cancer survivors Listen, well, you know, listen to testimonials of people who have our stage four, now, stage zero, all right, and focus on that, because that I will we talked about, that's probably single greatest determinant of disease is how you think 24 seven. Now, the other thing is that we need, we need support, you know, we all need loving support, we need to have a great team around us that is talking positively and elevating our spirit and our body. And we need to, we need to know that there are a lot of options out there to take care of ourselves, many, many, many options to take. And my patients really know that my patients are smart. They're researching not just from what I tell them, but what on their own. And they arm themselves with all of this powerful information. And when they go to the doctor, unfortunately, the doctor just says, okay, you need to do this drug and this surgery and this chemo on this radiation, and never talks to the patient. So, tell me, how was your sleep? And how much water do you drink? And you do drink filtered water? What is the food that you eat? I mean, the single greatest determinant of all of our health is the food that we eat. Right? And every doctor tells the patients Oh, that doesn't matter at all. Well, there's only five jillion books on how to eat and none of them say Oreo cookies and macaroni and cheese. Lisa Beres Right? We know people we know people who have been told that by their doctor, oh, the food doesn't matter. Dr. Connealy And movement, you know, movement is life and life is movement, and then cleansing. First of all, there's so many articles on PubMed about pollution. So that means that all of us need to do something to cleanse every single day because there's not enough technology to clean up all the pollutants in the world. Lisa Beres Yeah, I agree. We, I'd say the pollution too, is you know, we're biologists, we're very much into the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. So not just the TV, the things that you're watching and the conversations that you're having, you don't want to be in gossipy, if you're around toxic people, like you said, find that community, there's so many resources, even if it's not your family, or people near you, you can find it online or you can get into good groups and do zoom calls and right there's seek the light and seek that and reduce that electric pollution load. Because we were talking about back with the acupuncture and the meridians, how we are all energy. And those energies, those radio frequencies are affecting our cellular communication and all of that, too. Dr. Connealy So right, so you talked about Ron about, you know, we want to we want to be around people, we're raising our vibrational frequency just like take you and you and Lisa, you guys are uplifting each other with the words that you say the touch that you give, and all of us have the capacity to do that. And they've actually found that people who the longer they're with each other, they harmonize each other No, right. Because, yes, so and that happens with the doctor too. So, if the doctor is negative, and No, there's nothing and oh, you only have three months to live well, that destroys Yeah, that destroys the patient. Okay, because nobody learns in medical school or training, how to give an expiration. Ron Beres Absolutely, I can tell you're both your facilities they share an entryway and I was actually visiting obviously the Center for new medicine and chairs with the cancer center for healing. And when I was in the intro, when I walked in, actually saw one of your patients who was in an IV, and it was one of the she's walking around the facility, she probably had to take that IV for 45 minutes or an hour. And I just very casually said How you doing? And she's, she stopped and she was frail can be sure this elderly woman you know, and just walking around, you just didn't know what the reaction was going to be. She said I have never ever felt better than I do right now. You have no idea how did I feel? Well, and it was really so inspiring. So, when I say hope and opportunity, that's what your facility that's what you create on a day to day basis. Dr. Connealy Yeah, that is very true. All the patients say that because what you said. Lisa Beres He made me teary eyed, that was so sweet. And I remember when you came home and told me that because you had come to the Center for an appointment and you told me that but you know, not everybody can get to see you. But there are places. Dr. Connealy I don't think there's any place like our clinic. I didn't do it. We have this just amazing, powerful star team that makes all this happen, honestly, yeah. And they're all in it for the mission of educating empower individuals and their families to live the best life possible with all the invincible possibilities. And that's what we think is that we're limitless. We're going to do whatever thing we can. And like I said, we know none of us know how long we're going to live. But we're going to make today great, honestly, that's what you have to live. Now there are doctors that are growing in knowledge and information to practice this new, functional integrative biological medicine. That's the different names they call it. And so, but that's the kind of doctor you want to partner in with because that doctor is going to look deep, they're not going to just look at you go, oh my god, you look okay. And the little minimal blood test. They do. Oh, yeah, you look okay. See you later, right? So, you want a doctor that really bothers to know the details of you. Lisa Beres Oh, my gosh, that's so. So true. So true. The energy that going back to that the energy of your physician, the energy of the place. So, Dr. Connealy, we have a caller on the phone. Are you open to taking a call? Dr. Connealy Sure. Lisa Beres Okay, Chris. Caller, Chris Hi, Lisa, Lisa Beres Do you have a question for Dr. Connealy? Caller, Chris I wanted to ask Dr. Connealy a question about the proper diet. For someone who's been through cancer treatment, or currently going through treatment. My husband had cancer going on 13 years ago, and he had trouble actually with his diet and we weren't sure what the proper foods to eat were. So that's my question. What kind of diet should that person be on? Dr. Connealy Right? Okay, so food is the single most important thing that we teach our patients. Now, I will tell you, there's no one size fits all. In my book, I bring up the keto genic. But that's just maybe one eating program. Not everybody will necessarily need a ketogenic, but I'll tell people, there's some cardinal rules, you've got to get off sugar, because cancer cells thrive on sugar. That's their food. That Yes, then you need to get off junk food packaged foods, you need to get on foods that come from nature, which is vegetables, fruits, all kinds of everything live that we can possibly do. Now, as I said before, there's no one size fits all. Like for example, if we have a leukemia patient, I might not give them keto genic. Yes, I'll take away the sugar and the processed and the baked foods and the packaged foods. But I know that those leukemia patients will probably need some grass-fed beef, okay, and protein. And so now other kind of patients, I'll say no, we're going to do only ketogenic because your blood sugar's running a little high, even you might be pre diabetic or diabetic. So definitely want to get off the ship, we want to get you on a ketogenic, which is basically very little carbs. All right, it's fat as your friend, protein, and then some carbohydrates that are just vegetables, but we all eat too much dead food, unfortunately, and ourselves, we all of ourselves, rely on energy from the substances we eat. We also have this biochemical machine that needs all the nutrients, your all of your Krebs cycle of energy, which is the biochemical machine that all of our cells have require all these nutrients, whether it's the A's, B, C, D, and E, all the Bluetooth ion and coenzyme, q two, etc., etc., etc. We have to get that from our booth. So, if we're eating dead food that is not going to have the nutritional content to run the biochemistry of your body and your body, it we have to understand the science of food is very complicated. It's not like you just Okay, I'll just follow this simple little diet. No, we need to make sure that it's one the eating program for you. Okay, number one, but and it's sufficient in the nutrients that we need to run our body. And I will tell you 92% of the population is deficient in one or more nutrients, and don't even know it. Lisa Beres Wow, Chris, I hope that answered your question. Thank you. I yeah, thank you for calling. I mean, we could go on and on that topic. And if you could elaborate a little on what you said dead versus living foods. Dr. Connealy So, for people who are listening and saying what is that I've heard, shop, the perimeter of your grocery store, obviously, or your farmers market, shop the perimeter where all the fresh food is. And if you look at the middle of a grocery store, everything's packaged, right, everything's in a box or a bad so how would you explain living versus dead? Yeah, right. So, let's, you know, look at fruits and vegetables, you know, anything that's going to sit on your shelf and not going to last more than five days is, is probably not good for you. Right? So, I mean, yeah, there's eggs but eggs, you know, as far as I'm concerned, don't have to be refrigerated. But there's live things in eggs. There's like things in meat. There's like things and chicken and lamb and as long as you go overcook it and destroy all the nutrients. But there's your right if you bind things in a package now, I have to say that food design has become very sophisticated these days. And there are some really good, you know, halfway decent, healthy crackers. And you know, you can look more on there are some good foods that are really diligently made and okay for you. But if you can't read all the ingredients, it's a bunch of chemical names. It's probably not something you should be ingesting. Lisa Beres Right? If you can't read the ingredients, steer clear and try to eat the rainbow, right? I mean, eat the rainbow. Ron and I are vegan and when we became vegan, we noticed our plate is so vibrant and colorful because really for us we it's no meat and it's all it's so much vegetables. It's vegetables and fruits and produce. So, it's always like this cornucopia of colors, right? Ron Beres Yes. What would you do with those Dr. Connealy, we will not eat the grass fed.? We would not be on keto. Dr. Connealy But you can do vegan keto, you can do protein powders though. Okay. Okay. And you're going to avocados are fats, coconut oil oils, your body you know your body needs lots of bats, believe it or not, but look at the oils are mercados coconut oil, chia seeds, nuts. So, all the seeds, there's lots of things to eat that are fat, that that are really good for you, you know. And also, but the it would be wonderful for you guys. And this would be a good thing for you guys to do a show on is say, Okay, I ate vegetarian. And I'm going to check my nutrients to see if I have sufficient because I remember doing this on a lady who had lymphoma. And she was oh my god, this one this lady. She was vegetarian. I think she was wrong. And she did all these herbs and tinctures and everything. I said, oh my god, I can't wait to do your nutrient evaluation. So, I can see. Well, she did not have a good nutrient evaluation. So, we had to change things up. Yeah. So, I always tell people if you don't manage if you don't measure, you're not managing. Oh, so you guys would be good example of like, Okay, do the blood test and see where you really are. Lisa Beres We do, Dr. Connealy. We are your star patients? No, I'm just kidding. But it's funny. It's funny, I got my blood test back and everything was good. I had high iron and brandies. Like, gosh really bizarre, you know, cuz you're a vegan? Because you're maybe you want to cut back a little on the spinach and kale. She told me. That's so funny. But no. So, when Ron and I first started on our health journey to which was really when we met each other, Ron was Ryan's motto was if it's not fast food. It's not a real meal. That was his motto twice a day. Yeah, 2019 years ago, for years. Yeah. And so, to see where he is today is like amazing. But I had been doing all kinds of cleanses, you know, parasite cleanses, colon cleanses, liver cleanses. We were doing all of that. So, can bacteria viruses and parasites can they cause cancer? Dr. Connealy Well, there are a contributing cause. I always tell people that. That it's a perfect storm in the body. So, is it because you don't sleep? You don't drink good water? Is it because you don't eat foods that are nutritious? Is it because you have pollutants? Do bacteria, virus, parasites, fungi? All of these things create the perfect storm in the system. So, it's usually not a one, one cause problem? I always tell people cancers like having 100 leaks in the roof. And that's a tornado rainstorm and hurricane and you got to see them all on right. The second. Oh, can you say that again? That way? Yeah. So, I tell people cancers like it's 100 leaks in the roof. Okay. And it's a tornado rainstorm and hurricane and you need to seal all the leaks off. Right away right now. Yeah. Okay. So that's why when I start with the patient, I have them do I try not to overwhelm them, but I'm also trying to save their life guys. Yeah. So, I have patients that are really Gung home will do everything. And then some I have to kind of coax along because they've done nothing in their life and then how I have them doing 10 things because we have our patients do detox bath, a cleanse, you mentioned a liver flush and you know, all the other things that need to come back. Ron Beres It's all done before surgery before you actually get a surgery or try to remove a tumor. Would you be doing all these things first? Dr. Connealy Absolutely. We prep we prep our patients even for a biopsy. Because why a biopsy is injurious and immunosuppressive your whole body knows what happened, right? So, think about it, just a biopsy. All right. So here you are. You're going into doctors going quasi blindly and I say quasi because he's using ultrasound technology or some kind of technology to monitor where he's putting where he or she is putting it into the needle, but we don't know what happens to those cells, right? Yeah, so we want to be fighting cancer at the time we do a biopsy, even though maybe the biopsy came back negative, we still want to make sure the body's got all the repair mechanisms in place to take care of that injury that happens. And then when you do surgery, surgery is very immunosuppressive and injurious. Think about how much injury is caused from doing a surgery. So, we I like to prep the patients mentally and physically and biochemically before with all the eating with the mind, I give them healing affirmations, I give them hyperbaric oxygen before and after IV. Ron Beres Which, by the way, I think you have more hyperbaric chambers in your facility than the entirety of California or something crazy. Are there at the highest concentration, there was some sort of factor stat, is that true? Dr. Connealy There's a whole room dedicated to hyperbaric oxygen, which is by the way, used all over the world and used to heal from all kinds of injuries and from for cancer and for diabetic ulcers and wounds and all those kinds of good things. Y Lisa Beres Yeah, it's pretty impressive. I and I remember the first time we had a tour of your facility many years ago, and we saw that it was the first time I'd ever seen a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. It looks like a plane like an airplane with the glass around and you sit and watch a movie. Ron Beres It's like Michael Jackson, right? Lisa Beres Yeah, exactly. And I know your motto to I've heard you say, I won't do anything that causes you harm. Dr. Connealy Right? Or does not hurt you or cause you pain. We're doing everything to enhance the body physically and mentally and emotionally. Lisa Beres Yeah, I think it's really telling right if you're doing something and it's really stressful on your body, and doesn't feel right. And I feel like that's a sign that's your body telling you maybe that's not the right you know, Avenue. But I want to move on to breast cancer because it's one in eight women today. And it's such an important topic. We've all I�m sure every single person on the listening has had someone affected in their family or life. So, if somebody was genetically tested with the BRCA gene, would they go ahead and get a mastectomy? Dr. Connealy If it was BRCA one and two. So, if they have a predisposition, first of all, they probably need to see me number one, because what you want to make sure is that they don't have cancer to begin with. I had a patient interesting. Lee had a surgery for that. And they found cancer. So, you wanted to you want to know you want to do the pre preparation, pre op bloodwork and circulating tumor cells before you even have it. Right. So, she was found once they did the surgery, they found cancer in the tissues. But she wasn't pre diagnosed with that. Lisa Beres Oh, I so she just had the surgery because she had the gene. Dr. Connealy She had the gene. Okay, so I tell people genetics does not mean destiny. Mm hmm. So, if your mom had breast cancer, or heart disease or whatever disease doesn't mean that you are going to it depends on how your genes are played out every day. And that is dependent upon every single thing that you do and everything you eat and everything you're exposed to. For example, if you eat bad, poorly, Cheerios for breakfast and peanut butter and jelly for lunch and Hamburger Helper for dinner, you're going to turn on bad genes. Okay, I'm going to tell you right now, you're going to turn on bad genes. Lisa Your opening the gateway, right? You're on the doorway and inviting him in, right? Hello. Dr. Connealy Yeah. And then we're all exposed to a flurry of toxins every single day, whether we like it or not in the air, we breathe water, food we eat and things we put on our skin. So, we need to be very careful about that. And like I said earlier, we need to regularly cleanse every day. I know, the average doctor does not embrace that. But I will tell you we already have documented studies of chemicals and in umbilical cords, chemicals and breastmilk chemicals in the blood we already know that we have we know what each of these chemicals do on their own. But when you put 300 chemicals together, what is their synergistic potential, right? So, this is this is triggering bad genes. This is triggering bad chemical reactions that are taking place. And what happens to you and me are two different things. Okay, everybody's different. So, so this doing preventive mastectomies and prevent preventive removal of your ovaries is not how to prevent and treat cancer or pre cancer or preventatively. That is not the thing to do. Lisa Beres I mean, chopping off your body as a preventative measure. Dr. Connealy Well think about it, the trauma that the patient will Have forever. Think about it just that doing that alone, much less the physical trauma that they're going in emotional trauma, how they're going to look at themselves every single day, they're going to be reminded with their scars every single day. Yeah. Lisa Beres Right. And it's so it's just so pushed in, I don't want us to media and like, mainstream culture, you know, it's, you see a lot of that push towards that. And it's, it's really strange, because I know I've read the study, that 90 to 95% of cancers are not genetic. That was the PubMed study. That was, yeah. So, a lot of people just don't realize that they have so much power over like you said, their lifestyle choices. But it is a lifestyle change, that you do have to wake up every day and say, I choose me and I choose health. And I'm going to do these things today, because I love myself enough to take care of myself and invest that $500 to get that test. And you'll find $500 for the latest phone for the latest iOS. Dr. Connealy The latest something you're right. That's what I always say. And I go, I tell people health is your there is no better asset that you have. Trust me, I do this every day. And I tell people, if you spent three days with me, you would do what I tell you to do. You need a boot camp. Yeah, it's serious and affects our lives. So, we had a guest on she's a filmmaker producer who did a movie called boobs, the war on women's bras, I highly recommend everyone go back to Episode 13 pretty startling some of the statistics in that film that documentary and they get into thermography and mammography. Can you tell us Dr. Connealy, what the difference is between the two? Dr. Connealy Well, that's a good sign. I haven't seen that doc documentary. Lisa Beres You can stream it; you can stream it four dollars online. There's a link on our website. Okay, I can send it to you. Dr. Connealy Okay, I'll look at it. But you're right. So, breast imaging, and I will tell you, you know, we talked about early about imaging, so imaging is not going to tell you the end all. All right. So, let's take mammography, which is probably the most one recommended screening test for women. All right. So, mammography has been around for a long time, but believe it or not thermography has been around probably longer. Oh, wow. And yes. And so, mammography will show calcifications and possible densities. I say possible, because I have many a patient who had a mammogram and the next month, they have cancer. So obviously so I tell people, if your mammogram shows that you have dense tissue, that means they're going to miss 50% or more of the pathology. Now I will tell you, first of all the mammogram screenings out of 10,000 women you save three lights. Lisa Beres Oh, my goodness, wow. Dr. Connealy The false positive rate is 67%. So, you have all these women think they have cancer and go through the biopsy and everything and then they don't have cancer and the stroke that yes, exactly very traumatic and very emotional. So, I would never use mammography as an end all for debt for patients. So, I used your ultrasound ultrasounds easily it's covered by insurance, especially if you have dense breast ultrasound covers, as covered by insurance. So, ultrasound will tell me lumps and bumps Okay, and pretty small lumps and bumps. Then thermography is a vascular image, which means blood vessels so breast typically don't have blood vessels. So, cancer remember is they have to have a blood supply to stay alive. Oh god. Yes. So, when they get to a year, probably three or four. They're already nested and they've got a blood supply. They stay alive because of what you eat and do every day. So if you have do thermography it will show there is vascularity in the breast and you don't want vascularity because vascularity means there's maybe something going on I say maybe because every imaging, I have many patients who have imaging, okay, let's say it's a breast ultrasound. Let's say it's a pancreas ultrasound, different ultrasounds, not chest x rays or CTS looking for nodules, and I always tell the patient Look, I would prefer on the safe side the imaging says it's nothing but how do we know we're going to know by doing circulating tumor cells. And I will give you a case in point. I had a patient who was hit by a golf ball and her breast and so she went to a doctor. Yeah, she went and went to the doctor and she got all these testings. She saw surgeon she saw her GYN and she did all the imaging and mammogram ultrasound everything and the doctor said that it was nothing and reaffirm that it was nothing so she came to see me And I go look, you know what, imaging is not perfect. So, I said we need to do a circulating tumor cell. And sure enough, it showed up circulating tumor cells, even though the imaging says it appeared benign, the surgeon looking at it said it appear behind the gynecologist that it appears behind. But then when she came to me, so then I did bioenergetic testing, and sure enough the imbalance that came up in the system was in that breast. So yeah, so you know, it's so bird, little time, energy and money, we can find a lot of things and just and what is she doing now? She's doing great. She's changed her whole lifestyle. I she doesn't see me frequently, because I'm preventing I have her on a preventive protocol. I got her dialed in to how to think how to sleep, how to eat her nutrients, etc. And I have her monitor preventer protocol. So, and again, this weekend I was in I often come in the weekends and weekend I got a new imaging and it says up, everything looks perfect and fine. And I'm like, oh my god, you know, we always have to keep looking just like you. I know what you're wearing right now. I can see what you're wearing right now. But you would say to me, Lisa, say to me, but Dr. Gideon Lee, I have 10 layers of clothes here. I am wearing 10 layers, but all I see is the top layer. If we don't keep looking, and you don't take off each layer to show me the next layer. I'm just going to say no, you're wearing this pink outfit, right? You see? Lisa Beres Yeah, so we can only see the surface. Dr. Connealy Yeah, we can only see the surface. But we as physicians need to keep looking and looking and looking and look at the terrain, the terrain of the cell, that terrain of the cell is the microscopic facet of the cell. The biochemistry is everything that we know that's documented on PubMed. You mentioned PubMed, all of these things are documented on PubMed. Lisa Beres So much good information available now. And I know people are getting more I think light bulbs are clicking I know in our community, you know, people are just so much more open minded to things that they would have poo pooed or like you said that were woo woo years ago. Correct. So, going back to that thermography mammography, how often should women do you think be tested today? And who is at higher risk? Is it the women with dense breasts or people obviously with an unhealthy lifestyle? Dr. Connealy Well, like I said earlier, I don't use just one imaging. Okay, from myself, I will use sometimes mammography, I will tell you a lot of my patients do not like mammography because they don't like the injurious aspect. So, on those patients, I will do thermography and ultrasound. All right. And so because you can't just say you're going to do one thing, Lisa, I don't, I don't like that I rather and if you have if you do mammogram with your doctor right now, and you read it, the first thing I do is I look at the density of the breast, if it says it's dense, immediately go and do an ultrasound and thermography which is what I do, which is mostly most people I will tell you most people, but I will tell you that a lot of my patients have done lots of research. Lots of homework on mammogram people need to understand is radiation, which is possibly cancer causing, but the Cochrane Collaboration group did an analysis of all the literature all over they have no they have no relationship with any of these companies. They have no financial ties. And they basically said that their mammography is not a good tool for breast screening. It's better if women just did really good breast self-exam, if you want to know the truth. Lisa Beres Oh my gosh, you're going to love the documentary, Boobs: The War on Women's Breasts because she actually quoted that exact study the Cochrane study and I didn't know who they were. Dr. Connealy Yeah, well, they are an independent group of scientists to review scientific literature. And so, they're independent. They have nothing they have no ties. No, they don't have they don't have any skin in the game about what the results end up or anything. So, they're Yeah, they're a great it's great. They have had some changes, because their last director was fired because he was too anti-drug. Lisa Beres Oh, my goodness. Dr. Connealy So now you know, if he was fired, literally This is true story. So, you can go look it up his dog he that he's a doctor from Denmark, Peter gauche, he's very anti. Not purposely scientifically. He says, though, it's very interesting not for pill for ill. Ron Beres I got your phrase before, a pill for every ill. Lisa Beres Okay. I want to I want to wrap up the show. This has been so great. I hope you guys are learning so much. I know at the Center for healing. You have a four pillar approach to treating illness, which is test well test Treat build immunity and treat the causes Can you kind of elaborate and then leave the listeners with something they can do to start purifying, and detox and you said to cleanse every day, and maybe you could kind of give us some tips on what that would what that would look like. Dr. Connealy Okay. So testing, like I said before, it's doing all the blood testing, like I said that it could be just regular blood work, it could be doing a circulating tumor cell. Now, it could be a more expansive panel doing, you know, testing for chemo and surgery and all these, I mean, not chemo surgery, but I mean chemotherapy, natural things and all that that work on it. I might do urine testing for mold, I might do parasite blood testing, all kinds of different testing. So testing is very, very important, like I said, and like I said, a lot of it is covered under your insurance plan. Then we talked about treatment. While there's so many different ways. Remember I said cancers 100 leaks in the roof, we've got to do we have to use all kinds of different modalities to nudge the body in the right direction. Because I tell people we've had it when you have cancer, it's like an earthquake. And you don't use one machine, one modality one consultant, you use so many different things to do. Lisa Beres So, there was a lot of things, it was a lot of things that created it. So, it makes sense. Dr. Connealy Exactly. A lot of things, right. Yes. And then we have to help the immune system because the immune system's broken, okay. Because you wouldn't got cancer if the immune system so you got to do the proper testing and treatment to help the immune system, then you got to go start peeling the artichoke have. Okay, like we said earlier was how was this perfect storm that developed? What are all the root causes? Is it your mouth? Do you have root canals? Do you have periodontal disease? Do you have mercury fillings? Do you have Candida? Do you have parasites? Do you have viruses like viruses contribute a lot to cancer? Like for example 50% of head neck cancers are related to HPV the Human Papilloma Virus 50% Yes. Lisa Beres 80% of head and neck cancers would that include thyroid? Dr. Connealy No head and neck would be you know, the lymph glands, the tonsils and all that. Oh, gotcha. And so, you've got it. So, a lot of people have dental disease lots. Lisa Beres So, I know you have a holistic dentist at your center where we're at and I also went and we are we go to holistic we go to him still actually. And so, he doesn't do root canals or obviously no mercury fillings, do you and I've heard that is that true that root canals are linked to cancer? Dr. Connealy Yes, exactly. Root canals because it's a root canal is a chronic infection it's very hard to get to the many miles of dental tubules to get rid of the infection. So, you got to work with a dentist who schooled way beyond what the drill and bill. Lisa Beres Fill, drill and bill. Dr. Connealy Yeah, exactly. So, you have to be very careful you want a doctor who's like a biological dentist like a biological doctor so there's it's complicated God made the body very very masterfully miraculous, trust me. And if I every day, why is there continual science because there's a continual discovery so medical, medical information doubles every two years think about Oh, so we're all behind we're all behind all the time. Lisa Beres Okay, technology is moving so fast to all these all these pollutions that are coming in through like our products, our personal care skin care up our electromagnetic radiation, of course, so yeah, we got it that's moving faster. Like you said that we can keep up so we have to, okay, so what can when you said let's cleanse you cleanse every day? What does that look like? Dr. Connealy Okay, that's a great question. Well, first thing I do is I start my day out with 10 ounces of juicing so I do 10 ounces of green juice every single morning and I add to that silica drops. I add to that liver sauce which is a liver protective formula. And I that's what I do in the morning, okay, every single morning I do that. Okay, you just yourself or do you get the juices? I get the juices? Yeah, because when I had children, I made the juices now I'm like, No, I get a girl who stores them on glass mason jars because I don't use plastic. I don't like plastic at all. I avoid plastic at all costs. And so that's what I do. Now. What I'm doing now because I was doing zeolite, I was doing zeolite liquid before but now I've changed and so I switched it up all the time. I do chlorella tablets and right now I'm doing about 20 chlorella tablets chlorella is, is its green chlorophyll blue, you guys probably know. And I do 10 in the morning into the afternoon, and I do it away from food because it's great for your digestive system. Great cleanser for your digestion and everything. Now liver cleanses. Lisa Beres Isn't that an anti-cancer? Dr. Connealy Yeah, it's anti-everything. It's wonderful for lots of lots and lots and lots of the its anti-metal like a key lesion and it's a natural key later and natural cleanser. It's his cleanser for the GI tract and everything and then I love infrared sauna. I would say the single greatest investment that anyone can make is getting infrared sauna. Ron Beres Oh, wow. And you burn calories when you go in there. Dr. Connealy Yes, you are with your body cancer is a low oxygen. It's a toxic environment. It had we they, the infrared sauna helps you make Heat Shock proteins which kill cancer. You can't go wrong with an infrared sauna. So, I would say those are the top thing. Yeah, there's a lot of things I give my patients if they don't have it written red sauna. I have them do a bath with Epsom salt salts, Epsom salt, baking soda and clay. Lisa Beres Oh, okay. Epsom salt, Epsom salt, clay and Bentonite clay. You mean bentonite clay? Dr. Connealy Yeah, well, we have a magnetic clay that we use. And so, we have I give them the recipe. I give it to them on their chart. And that's what I do. It's in my book too. I talk about it in my book. Lisa Beres You don't have to do that every day, right? Dr. Connealy Well if I have a brittle sick patient, or let's say you're getting a PET scan, or you're getting a CT scan, or you're getting an MRI with die, you wouldn't be doing those. You wouldn't be doing those cleanses every day or every day because that stuff is toxic. Lisa Beres Yeah. Okay. Gosh, those are great tips. Those are such great tips. And I know at the center, you have a healthy living store. For our listeners. They sell all the stuff that we talked about today. Even Do you guys even sell the infrared saunas? I know you have them. Dr. Connealy Yeah, we do. Okay, we have a link. Lisa Beres Because you can actually get these for anyone who doesn't know they're little tiny. It looks like a little tiny house, right? You put it in your garage, you put it in your backyard. It's like a cedar, right? It's right theater, little room and write. Amazing. Oh my gosh, this has been so incredible. So hopefully lifesaving and life changing for our listeners. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we did. Dr. McNeely, thank you. You're such a wealth of knowledge. You're so passionate. You're brave and thank you for all the work you do to make people healthy and vibrant in this world. You guys can learn more at Connealymd.com that�s www.ConnealyMD.com. And don't forget to snag your two free gifts that I talked about at the top one the juice plan and to the 14-day keto plan, and you can pick up a copy of Dr. Connealy�s books, the cancer revolution or be perfectly healthy. All of the links are in the show notes head over to Brian and lisa.com forward slash podcast right now. And we can't wait to see you next week. Thank you so much, guys. Narrator This episode of the healthy home hacks podcast has ended. But be sure to subscribe for more healthy living strategies and tactics to help you create the healthy home you've always dreamed up. 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Great information, such eye opening facts.
Thank you, Stephanie! Dr. Connealy is a wealth of knowledgeable and we are so blessed to have her on our show! We are thrilled you enjoyed it.