Electrical engineer, Building Biology Environmental Consultant, and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, Lawrence Gust spills the beans about electrical radiation (EMR) components present in today’s indoor environments. From electric fields, magnetic fields, and radiofrequency (RF) radiation from wireless devices, Larry differentiates the inside sources that we have control over and the outside radiation sources.
Larry shares the symptoms from unwanted exposure to EMR. RF exposure can interfere with sound sleep, and make people more susceptible to cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. RF radiation has also been shown to increase infertility and reduce sperm health and production. Larry explains how some radiation, even at low levels, has been demonstrated to cause damage to cell tissues and to DNA, which has been linked not only to brain tumors, but to other cancers as well, including leukemia, and breast cancer in women and men, and a suppressed immune system.
This episode is brought to you by The Building Biology Institute, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to the holistic science that you can embrace in their seminars, courses, certification programs, fact sheets, and videos on designing, building, remediating health-supporting structures in harmony with planetary ecology. Join informative thinkers and stay up to date with new research on their Facebook page and find out more and become a member online HERE.
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Here is a useful article on 5G: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Lisa Beres
This episode of healthy home hacks is sponsored by the building biology Institute to learn more about creating indoor environments that support health and wellness visit their free resources at BuildingBiologyInstitute.org.
How would you like to improve your health and keep your family safe? You're listening to the healthy home hacks podcast where we firmly believe enjoying optimal health shouldn't be a luxury. healthy home authorities and husband and wife team Ron and Lisa will help you create a home environment that will level up your health. It's time to hear from the experts. listen in on honest conversations and gain the best tips and advice. If you're ready to dive in and improve your well-being and increase your energy. You're in the right place. All right, here are your hosts, biologists, authors, media darlings, vicarious vegans and avocado aficionados, Ron and Lisa Beres.
Ron Beres
Years ago, my mother in law's dog passed away. She was yearning to adopt a new friend. In what better time then as we Jet Set it over to Kona Hawaii for an island style Christmas. Lisa's mom, Denise and her husband have been keeping an eye out online for this one tiny Chihuahua mix which completely stood out. He kind of smiled in the picture. And while he is over an hour's drive away on the other side of the island, we all sense he can be the one as we approach the home of a dusty dirt road. We were startled to see the home was also not just the home of the pop but a lot of dogs roaming the front yard. Big ones small ones, most of them chained up in all them filthy and completely stinky. Out came a large rough looking Polynesian guy. Let's just say he resembled the rock without the friendly smile. He pointed over to the dog we were interested in that we almost fell over from the stench. This miniscule dog had a huge metal collar attached to a short chain. his ribs were showing he was very timid and he coward they reached down to pet him clearly on trusting of men. Police in her mom played in a while is I kept watch. Denise decided to take the pup home. And thankfully like any good Hawaiian she had a beach towel in the car. We wrapped up the newly named Kaikoa in this blanket. Lisa sat in front holding him on our lap because insanely three-inch-long nails cut into her skin. As we held our breath in the car from the stench. We immediately dropped him off at Petco for clipping depth. That would be a challenge for even the most senior groomer as we left to get a leash, pet bed toys, treats and food and an hour later, Lisa's mom went to pick him up and as they pranced together towards back our car. We couldn't believe our eyes. Kai cola was a new dog. The former dark brown pop was now this light beige, dirt free and beaming with pride dog. In the following days. He learned to play catch he trust not just men but all people his newfound personality slowly emerged. Kaikoa was never going to become this healthy and happy dog that he is today if we hadn't rescued him from this toxic environment. Is your environment toxic? Well, it's easy to visually see a home or situation that isn't healthy. It can be difficult to identify a toxic situation when the toxins themselves are tasteless, silent, odorless and visible and deadly. We're all today living in a wireless world for wireless radiation permeates our homes from desktops, laptops, smartphones, microwaves, iPads, game stations, nearby cell towers, and the new rollout of five g under the guise of convenience exists in emerging health hazard called electro pollution and no one is immune. Someone who is a world-renowned expert on this subject and our very special guest today is Larry gust.
Lisa Beres
Welcome to the show. Larry Lawrence guest is an electrical engineer. He's a past certified mold remediator through the indoor air quality Association. And Larry is a certified building biologist, environmental consultant and a certified electromagnetic radiation specialist through the BBI the building biology Institute. Mr. Gus has been teaching classes about the indoor environment for BBI since 1996 In fact, Ron and I were his students. And we are so happy to have him with us today.
Larry Gust
Great to be here, Lisa. That does date me doesn't it, Ron?
Ron Beres
You�re a spry 29-year-old I'll tell you that.
Lisa Beres
Yes, you were 12 when you taught us?
Larry Gust
Well. I've aged you I've aged well, Ron.
Ron Beres
I think it's important for everyone to realize the amount of work that you've done in the community of building healthy homes. How many homes have you assessed in your entire career?
Larry Gust
It�s been 27 years. It seems like it's something around three to three 4000. Wow, I've been in a lot of places.
Ron Beres
Places roofs, yeah.
Larry Gust
And some, some businesses as well, you know, smaller business operation.
Lisa Beres
I bet you've seen everything, Larry. I mean, I can't imagine the stories that you must have from some of the homes.
Larry Gust
Not unlike the one Ron just told. I'll say that.
Lisa Beres
That was quite bizarre. I'm happy to say Kaikoa is thriving still today. But um, you know, Larry, with so much experience, you know, you were our instructor, we just really admire and look up to you, you're such a wealth of knowledge. What conclusions would you say have been drawn from all that experience those three to 4000 homes that you've tested?
Larry Gust
Well, yeah, keep in mind, Lisa, that this spans a period of time that was before wireless. Okay, so wireless has had a very big impact on what's going on in homes today. But in the early days, there were issues that led to the bedroom principally, and those issues in bedrooms were the sleeping conditions. And most of the time, those sleeping conditions were affected by earlier forms of electromagnetic radiation. They're still there, but they're being overwritten by wireless radiation today. So, what I was speaking about in the older days was electric fields from the way our houses are wired, has a deleterious effect on sleeping, rusting, and how you feel during the day. And we've kind of added much more radiation to that by the advent of wireless radiation in houses so but still the bedroom and okay the rest of you getting and it's your body being able to rejuvenate itself while it's resting.
Ron Beres
That's an important point. So, what are the electrical radiation components in the indoor environment?
Larry Gust
Well, there's some natural stuff going on Ron, that's the molecules are the atoms in the air are charged. And they are charged in such a way that there's a balance almost between negatively charged ones and positively charged ones. And if you have the right environment in terms of those molecules, you feel good. And if you have an environment that isn't altered by our my man made synthetic materials, you could feel bad when I mean bad, you could feel kind of abilities and comfortable and irritable, sort of like people feel in Los Angeles when the Santa Ana winds are blowing because those winds produce an ionization environment, which is not like it is by the ocean and which causes people anxiety and face breakout and the police are busy. So, there's an air ionization angle to where we live and how we furnish these homes later.
Ron Beres
That's a great point. So, you mentioned the ocean and the negative ions. Why do we feel better when we're walking down the coastline of a beautiful beach?
Larry Gust
Because there's a surplus of positive ions and for some reason, the way we're built Do you have more endorphins generated and positive ion environment that is making you feel up and positive and talkative sort of like having a couple of cups of coffee
Lisa Beres
Forget Starbucks, go to the beach.
Larry Gust
That's like the beach and you know, and then you can walk barefoot on the beach and become electrically connected to Mother Earth which is doing some other really good things like causing electrons to move up into your body and to neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, and it's not just the beach right it's anything in nature right that generates and I thought it was negative ions that were the good feeling ions.
Larry Gust
Yes, and this vocally says is positive ions are not good and negative ions are.
Lisa Beres
I always remember that because it's the opposite of what you think.
Larry Gust
The student teaches the teacher now.
Exactly this backing up we have all these things that we put into our houses for convenience which our power system electrical wiring and so with that wiring come electric fields and from Miss wiring come magnetic fields that are higher than they need to be and can have also profound health effects. And then all these devices generate radio frequency fields, and they purposely put energy into the air. And that energy is known as radio frequency radiation or RF in short, and that radiation is energy in the air does work on your body and it turns out that it's doing work on your body which isn't so beneficial. And so, we have significantly polluted the insides of our homes with what we've got our cell phone which is replaced the landline it's always we have cordless phone possibly if we still have a landline, we have Apple TV, which is pulsing all the time. We have an RF connection between our computer and the internet which is going through the air is wireless, we have a router which is receiving that signal and which is also having to broadcast back again to the various devices in the house so they can receive what's on the internet. We have these routers now that look like Darth Vader. They've got you know, 14 black antennas sticking up all over the place. And, you know, you can get a signal out in the back 40 from that antenna this in your house in order to get to the back 40, this has got to be very strong. And when you're in the house with these strong signals is it's working its magic on your body and that magic is not good.
Ron Beres
And why is that? Why does that affect us that way? Larry, is it just, we're all semi-conductive?
Larry Gust
Well, we are. I mean, so I mean, I don't really like to get into the, you know, the medical equation, other than to tell you what Martin Blanc said, the cells are telling us by producing stress proteins, which say, they don't like their environment. And when you turn on any kind of electromagnetic radiation, manmade stuff, electric fields, magnetic fields, and radio frequency fields, the cells produce these Heat Shock proteins, and there is damage that happens. And maybe I can talk a little bit to that, that you can almost better to have a medical person, a shoulder biology person to talk about what's going on there.
Lisa Beres
It's so interesting. And Larry, you mentioned the Apple TV. So that is constantly sending signals that's constantly pulsing, even if your TV is off, Correct, correct. And then that reminds me of all the Smart Hub.
Larry Gust
Roku as well, it's no different. They're all doing the same thing
Lisa Beres
They're all doing it the smart TVs and
Larry Gust
And that's another factor the Smart TV, they've suddenly become smart TVs for dumb people. So, you basically have this, you know, you keep adding, and then there's Alexa and all the other
Lisa Beres
Alexa and all of the smart hubs, right, the home smart hubs? Are they the same, Larry, because they have a you know, they have an on off switch?
Larry Gust
if they don't have a wire to transmit the signal.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, not to mention, they're recording your conversations and invading your privacy. So that's a whole other thing. Okay, so you really did a good job of explaining what were these radiations come from within our home, where are the radiation sources coming from outside of our home that we may not be aware of,
Larry Gust
if we go back to things in the past, you had a power line down your backyard that's supplying the electricity to the to the homes, there could be issues with magnetic fields from that power line, which reach into your homes, and there's things that the power company shouldn't be doing that cause that that may be much worse than it would be otherwise. There are power transmission lines, you know, the things that are on the big Erector Set towers that you see moving across country to move large blocks of power from one place to the other. They can if you're near them, they can produce powerful magnetic fields and electric fields in you know, in your home. But that type of situation would happen, but it was certainly not the majority of people. Now work communications radiation is becoming an equal opportunity exposure. Anybody can have them in their house, and you can all be exposed and suffer the kinds of consequences a few people who were living by power lines were 20 years ago,
Lisa Beres
it's hard to escape unless you have a building biology environmental consultant, come to your home and analyze and find out what's going on what and actually read the levels with instruments to actually
Larry Gust
It�s hard to escape. And I really you know, and I appreciate the plug. But if you just think about the fact that you don't want to have these things in your environment, you can hardwire your computer, you can get rid of Alexa, because doesn't work without being going through the air. You can go back to a corded telephone and use that principally not talk for hours on your cell phone. You can put a power strip on your entertainment center and you turn it off here. Don't watch it in TV. Those things are a big help. And you don't have to pay me the big bucks.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, I mean, that's true. I know. we're hardwired home. We have landline phones.
Ron Beres
Larry, you were the inspiration behind all of this. You were our initial teacher and we're so forever grateful.
Larry Gust
I know. This is not a joke. When you get sick from this stuff. It's no longer a joke and getting well is a hell of a high hill to climb. So yeah, you know, an ounce of prevention. Yeah.
Lisa Beres
It's a lot easier to prevent illness than to reverse disease, it's a lot easier to prevent it in the first place. So, it's so important to work of building biology. And if you're not familiar with building biology Institute is a nonprofit organization that's dedicated to the holistic science that you can embrace in their seminars, their courses, they have certification programs. On their website, they have fact sheets and videos on designing, building and remediating health-supporting structures that are in harmony with planetary ecology. You can find out more and become a member at www.buildingbiologyinstitute.org that's Building Biology Institute dot org.
Ron Beres
Yes, please do that. So, Larry, we talked about some of the dangers inside and outside our home. What are the symptoms that are associated with exposure to EMR?
Larry Gust
Well, first of all, there's no like if you've got yellow eyes, you've got jaundice type of situation with electromagnetic fields, so people respond differently and there. So, therefore, there's a broad range of thinking, difficulty concentrating, I can't focus on what I'm doing a RF type radiation, fatigue, sleep disruption. I mean, God Almighty, there's so many people go into sleep clinics these days, when their houses are filled with the kinds of products we were talking about just a moment ago, their sleep disruption would probably you can't guarantee these things would probably go away if they cleaned up their sleeping environment. As we talked about headaches, depression, a lot of people depressed people, it's reducing serotonin, and therefore it causes depression. You know, it has Nervous System excitation, you've got a parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system in your body, they're pretty much supposed to be balanced. But when you have excessive radiation like this, they go become unbalanced, you get into fight or flight that causes bad, bad things happening to your body, if you're under this, like being under stress all the time, or the stress is not being caused by this stuff. We put in our homes, irritability, suicidal ideation. We're hearing more about that lately. And it's interesting, you know, we all are supportive of sub solar. And solar has an interesting situation where it has to convert what comes from the panels into usable electricity for the electrical system. And that conversion process causes a lot of spiking and irregular voltages all over your house. And we've seen that as we grow in this and these, we have very much different capabilities to suppress those unwanted noise signals. We find people who have suicidal tendencies, when you turn off their photovoltaic system, it goes away. Wow, really, you know, the impacts are just so enormous. And people you know, people don't know it, then maybe they're under stress from work or they got something go on. And they don't like work, maybe they think this is why it's happening. But yeah, it�s hard to pinpoint sometimes.
Lisa Beres
This is an interesting where green sustainable building and bio biology are very different. A lot of people think building biology is you know, the same as green building, but it's building biology is always about the health of the occupant, and in green building, like the solar, that's such a great example of something that somebody would think is not only doing good for the electric bill but for the environment. And here it could be causing you so much harm and electric cars, too, right? I mean, you're in a little electric box when you're driving around and that it's kind of, I don't know, I guess trying to go back to natural although solar sounds natural you would think that was that is doing that. But really just honoring the earth and connecting like you said, and I don't know if barefoot and earthing would help if you had solar in your house with doing that help at all, or not really?
Larry Gust
Well, I've had one client who couldn't get out of her electrically included situation was being grounded at night did help her sleep some but it was not a full solution. The full solution is to understand what these energies are and where they exist in your house and to minimize your exposure to them. it'll pay dividends long term in terms of your health.
Lisa Beres
We talked about a lot of different electromagnetic radiation is one kind worse than another. Are there different types? Can you kind of elaborate on that?
Larry Gust
Well, yes, I mean, the radiation before communications, RF communications radiations that we're talking about. So much today, we were exposed to a fairly smooth, undulating change in the voltage in our house is called alternating current or AC electricity or AC voltage. Then we began to introduce things that were more erratic and changing much more suddenly. And it would appear 30 years of research shows that our bodies react more negatively to pulsing or rapid changes in electromagnetic energy and that of course exactly, is exactly what we developed for wireless communications.
Lisa Beres
Everything that we talked about the smart hubs your cell phone, your laptop, your kids baby monitor, right I mean all of it your cordless phone when Larry mentioned going back to a landline, he did not mean a cordless phone. Yes, it plugs into the wall but it sends those pulse signals constantly. And that was something Larry came to our house years and years ago and Ron was working next to his desk was his cordless phone. And he was easy to agitate, you know, just sort of on edge. And you know, when we tested that it was shocking, right? The cordless phones are huge emitter.
Ron Beres
We're in a multi-level home too. And the emission from the cordless phone in the kitchen, which was below our bedroom? Oh, yeah.
Larry Gust
Tell me you have to understand, right, Ron that the idea is you want to be able to use a handset or your phone in your bedroom. So, the signals got to get through the floor. Right, you know, and they remember if you're out in your backyard with that phone, you probably didn't work. Well. You know, that isn�t the case with cordless phones today. They've souped those damn things up because people want to like walk down the block and talk on their phone. Well, that makes the power level in your house even greater. I mean, it's hundreds, hundreds of times greater than it used to be right with all of the things that we brought in Perseids a cordless phone if you still even have one. It's thousands or 10s of thousands of times more pulsing energy in your house and existed even 10 years ago.
Lisa Beres
Wow. We're living in a toxic soup. The microwave like people. I mean, the microwave is different, because that's really only pulsating when it's on. I don't know, do people use microwaves?
Larry Gust
That�s true, but you can measure at five rooms away when its on.
Lisa Beres
Right. It's on? Yeah, that just goes through the walls. Yeah, people are kind of surprised until they see it. Would you agree with that, Larry, I mean, when you go in there, and you got your instruments, and you're showing them, it's like light bulbs go off. But when you tell somebody, it's hard sometimes to get them to understand, because they're invisible. We don't see them. We don't smell them. We don't taste them. These pulsing signals are affecting our cellular communication and our DNA and all of that.
Larry Gust
And the effects like creep up on you slowly. Its sort of like putting a frog in a pot and turning the heat on in the water is heating up. We're like the frog and we're in the RF water. Right. It's heating up. And it's I mean, we're getting really serious now with the advent of 5g, you know, we brought the burner like right under the pot when it was a foot away from the pot before. We're all and it's another one of these equal opportunity radiators is going to be on your block within
Lisa Beres
Coming to a block near you.
Larry Gust
Yeah, well, yeah, within 22 houses of you and you are not going to be able to escape it without shielding. And if it's like in front of your house, you know, God help you. You know, we're talking about RF radiation that went from 1000 to 100,000. Wow. 400,000 this is just absolutely insane.
Lisa Beres
Do you have a distance? That I wouldn't say it's safe, but it recommended distance for a 5G installation?
Larry Gust
No, the antennas are put up so often for the purpose of reaching you. Yeah, they have to know within a very, you know, within a foot or so where that device that wants to get the 5g signal, the 4g system, the current system, we have is, is triangulating on your location. And the antennas have got to be closer to the homes where the 5g device would be used in order to actually find out where that device is, are you and then they got to aim the fifth-generation beam directly at that device. Right through your husband who's in the way.
Lisa Beres
And it's going right through.
Ron Beres
Going through the husband to her still. I tell you this can be overwhelming cuz he's like, I can't run away from this. What can I do? It's Yeah, that's not true. Because when you have someone like Larry gas to come to your home, and you know, create a strategy and a plan and protect you from this, it's eye-opening, you see the results physically, you can see the difference from before and after. And it's empowering. So, you can't run away from the 21st century. Right. So 5g is here.
Larry Gust
Well, you can't but I would say, Ron, that this is such a draconian change in our in your ability to escape this. Unless you want your great at great cost to you, you can escape this and not be able to use your yard or patio. People really got to get with their local five g resistance group and start adding their voice to the people who are already objecting to the government taking away our rights by making this installation be totally without local involvement. They can just ram it right through your town without you or your or your elected officials be able to do a damn thing about it.
Lisa Beres
It's crazy. We did talk about that. And another podcast on how you know it's getting hard for the cities to stand up and say to the government, no, we don't want these towers. And these antennas here. They have no legal rights. With health. They can't use health as a reason. That's right to right to say no, we don't want that antenna.
Larry Gust
And the big boys are in the business who have billions of billions of dollars are able to hire their lawyers and harass the hell out of your city. They can afford to defend themselves.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, do what you can do. Because all of these things like putting your cell phone on airplane mode and turning off your router and getting hardwired and all those things at least it's going to take off the stress of your body burden. Yes, you may still be getting hit with some of these other 5G and those kinds of things. But you do have power over a lot of things in your day to day that you can do right now. That doesn't cost you anything. So, you know, I just want to make sure people understand that it's not like
Larry Gust
Most people don't have 5g at this point. We also want to add that, you know, you could sleep under an RF tent that you put over your bed and that's something that you can take down and if you are in an apartment, liver, you can take it with you as opposed to doing things to shield your house, which you can't take with you.
Lisa Beres
That's a great yeah, that's like a canopy. Right? It looks just like a canopy tent. And that just hooks it to the ceiling, right? That's pretty easy to put up.
Larry Gust
Exactly. If you live on the second floor. You got to put something on the floor under the bed. The people selling it have a piece for the floor.
Lisa Beres
You have to have that you're saying the canopy won't work?
Larry Gust
You know, the first floor is filled with bouncing radiation that's going to come up through the floor, so you really don't do a good enough job. Just putting the tent over the bed.
Lisa Beres
Okay, and that's only first floor bedrooms?
Larry Gust
Right. First floor bedrooms are fine.
Lisa Beres
We're on the third floor. So, we're going to need that. We're going to get a canopy. You inspired me today.
Larry Gust
You know, there�s silver threads in there. You'll feel really good. the luxury of sleeping in it.
Ron Beres
O.k. Larry, you were part of the exercise where you actually helped paint the graphite black paint all over our bedroom and shielded us that was
Larry Gust
Are you still living in that black bedroom run? Is that a beautiful coat of paint over that?
Ron Beres
No, we're in a different home now. But that was good.
Larry Gust
Yes, yes, you can paint the walls with a paint that reflects RF and then you paint them again with the color that you would desire not leave it black. So, but yeah, we do have people who you know want to create a sleeping environment free of RF and it also will block electric fields from the walls as well. So, you clean you know you can clean up two things by the painting
Lisa Beres
Is the shielding paint good for will that help with 5g then?
Larry Gust
Oh, sure. It works on
Lisa Beres
It works on everything. Okay. So that's you know, I mean, we did it. It's not that labor extensive. And it's, I mean, there's an expense like anything, but you know, it's doable. It's very, very doable.
Ron Beres
Because Larry, back in the day, we had to order the paint from Germany.
Larry Gust
They�re coming from Canada now.
Ron Beres
Oh, is it Canada? Okay
Lisa Beres
Yeah, Larry. I've seen it on the Walmart website online. Y-shield paint?
Larry Gust
Mm hmm. That they have it on their website is pretty damn interesting. I mean, I Yeah, well, you know, the BBI website in 10 years, we've quadrupled the number of people coming to it. I mean, there's just a growing realization, you guys are partially responsible for that. Because of publicity, there's a growing realization that this is a significant issue to each individual's health. And you have to end because the government is not helping you guys take action on your own.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, with so many things, not just the EMR, but a lot of chemicals and that too, but going back to how many homes you've tested, gosh, you know, thousands and thousands in your career. Can you give us some examples of ones that had EMR problems that stand out to you?
Larry Gust
If we go back a few years and so that we don't have so much of the radiofrequency radiation and I dealt with a family that was down in Orange County who had an autistic boy, and part of the autism treatment is the discovery of heavy metals in their body and then wanting to get rid of those heavy metals through various methods that the doctors have and, and that boy, they had been treating him for heavy metals and that he couldn't he was unable to get rid of them. So, I went into the home now what did I find? The principal thing I really found was electric fields in the bedroom and high magnetic fields, very high magnetic fields caused by a problem with the hallway light which I left on all night because we're young. And there was an early version of a Wi-Fi router underneath his bedroom in the office. Yeah, those are fairly weak in those days but you know that it wasn't a big deal here. I mean, it was a get rid of the router and hardwire turn off the circuits that affect the electric fields in his sleeping area. And having an electrician come in and appropriately wire this the switches for the hall light and he started dumping heavy metals just after that like crazy
Lisa Beres
Wow, that is so interesting. His body literally constantly being bombarded with all of that. You know, that's good just to reiterate what Larry just said, think about not just your room but what's around your room, what's under your room, what is on the other side of the walls of the refrigerator your router? Can you move things can you make a simple move of your bed to get further away because as we know distance is key when it comes to RF.? We want to provide as much distance as we can like we don't get great reception in our home and I always have like one bar on my phone and obviously you think you think most people would think that's good. It's actually worse, those signals are having to work so hard to reach you and it is so frustrating. You know, I try to keep my phone on airplane mode pretty much throughout the day unless I'm making a call.
Ron Beres
You'd be so proud.
Larry Gust
I am. So, the one bar shows you how strong the signal is coming from the cell phone tower. Right. So, if your phone says, Oh, that's a pretty weak signal, that means I'm going to have to put out a lot of power to get to the tower so I can be received. So, your phone turns up the output power, you get affected by that. But if you're not using your phone, and you don't have only one bar, you can be thankful because from you, for your service provider, the coverages are going to your house, which is great, because you don't have the radiation, at least from them. Now, what happens with, you know, with the other two providers, you know, we don't know because your phone isn't monitoring their signal.
Lisa Beres
Oh, good point. Yeah.
Larry Gust
Tell people to be thankful if you only got one bar on your phone.
Lisa Beres
Okay. Okay. Thank you for that. So, it's only, okay, that's a great point. It's only if I'm making a call where I would get affected. I actually called the cell phone company to say, hey, because you know, we have the same provider, but Ron's phone gets better coverage. So, I said, Hey, something wrong with my phone. We checked all these things. They said, you know, what, we can send you a mini-tower.
Larry Gust
For free, right?
Lisa Beres
Thanks, Larry, how many homes have you inspected? Or what percentage would you say where the situation is so bad that you have that you advise the person to move out of the home? What would you say is the percentage of that? One or 2%. Okay, that's good. That's really good to hear. Okay, so most can be remediated,
Larry Gust
You know, we have to keep in mind that it was one of the remediations, I'm recommending you move to another home. And it's especially if it's involved with wireless radiation, you might have it not have it today. And then it gets installed tomorrow. So, it's going to cost a large chunk of money to sell your house and move, it may be better to fix the existing house.
Lisa Beres
Right? That's a good point.
Ron Beres
So, what can a person do about EMR, Larry?
Larry Gust
First of all, listen to us that it's it actually, it's actually their bodies don't like it. And there are certain things you can do on your own without hiring me or anybody like me to come in things you can do on your own to improve your situation. And those are kind of like turn off a circuit breaker for the plugs in your room, get rid of your Wi-Fi and hardwire your computers ditch Alexa is telling the government what you're doing anyway. I mean, I really strongly recommend going back to a landline. I mean, you can get you know, voiceover internet type line, you don't have to go back all the way back to the days of copper wires and AT&T, but use a landline and call for your cell phone to your landline and leave your cell phone off. Don't have it in the bedroom with you at night.
Lisa Beres
Ugh, teenagers. anyone listening? I say teenagers, but it's not just teenagers. So many people sleep in their parents helping people sleep with the phone near their head on all night. It's shocking. I just let's reiterate that because if you're a parent, and you're listening, make sure your kids aren't doing that. I mean, at least turn the phone on airplane mode, you can still use it as an alarm clock when it's on airplane mode. And you know, you're going to survive not checking your texts for eight hours. It's like, oh, my goodness.
Larry Gust
You might sleep better. Yeah. Wake up and have to check your text because you'll be sleeping. Yeah, exactly. You don't charge your cell phone next to you on your nightstand. Because you need a charging cord has got electric fields and that gets on your body. And that's disturbing the sleep. So, I would say put it across the room and plug it in over there and put it on airplane mode. And the alarm goes off. You'll have to get up to turn it off.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, it'll get you out of bed. It's a win-win. It's that's there are so many things. Distance turning off. just turn off the router. Right, Larry? I mean, I know you said hardwired.
Larry Gust
Hardwire or turn it off at night when you go to bed. Or better yet put it on a timer that has a backup battery. And so, if the power goes off, it doesn't lose its settings. Yeah. And you don't have to, Oh, I forgot to turn it off. I don't want to get out of bed. So, if you have an o'clock or 10 o'clock whenever you go to bed and that's get rid of your cordless phones, get rid of your photos, phones, right?
Lisa Beres
Yes, get rid of those.
Ron Beres
Larry, you can actually you'll create you'll put a demand switch in there.
Larry Gust
You can well you know when I said turn off the power to the bedroom, I mean that is usually to a heavy hitter in terms of electric fields. But generally, there's more than one but you need to have instruments to figure out which circuits are that are affecting the bedroom other than the one that supplies outlets there on the bed which is obvious, right? Right. You turn it off and whatever you got plugged into on the work so you know that right away.
Lisa Beres
And obviously alarm clocks. I don't know that really a lot of people are still using them with some people are using their cell phones but obviously alarm clocks are a big emitter of electricity. fields and magnetic fields.
Larry Gust
If you go back magnetic field, it's probably only two feet from your head. And whereas the fields don't start to really taper off till three feet, so I like your phone better on airplane mode. Yeah, I like one of those old-fashioned clocks. And when you turn off the outlets all around your bed, you're going to have a clock plugged in anyway, so something on the battery is really necessary.
Lisa Beres
Battery. That's what we use. We have a little battery, a little travel battery clock, it's just probably like a $2. Clock.
Ron Beres
I remember a funny story a long time ago, so Larry was testing our bedroom. And we were so proud. We had this electric field protected clock.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, they advertised it as a low EMF, EMF clock, and I spent a lot of money on it. It was the big digital clock that Larry�s talking about.
Ron Beres
This is great. Ron and Lisa, this is great. But it has a magnetic field.
Lisa Beres
Do you remember that? Larry, it was giving off a strong magnetic field?
Larry Gust
Was that a Schumann? Resonance clock?
Lisa Beres
I don�t know I bought it. I bought it a long time ago.
Larry Gust
The thing that I want to leave with people is it means this is 5G serious. This is big stuff. You everybody, nobody has got a different set of cells in their body that responds differently to manmade radiation, we're all made out of the same stuff. And this cellular response, making Heat Shock proteins is happening and everybody, some people are symptomatic. And they have to look for relief. Other people at this point in their lives are not what they call asymptomatic. But these are still happening to you on the inside of your body. And the question is, you know, how long? How much risk? Are you willing to take that like 10 years down the road, or five years down the road or next week, you are not going to be affected by the conditions you're living in at home? Or do you want to take some action, because there are three or 4000 peer reviewed research studies that show this is bad for us, you want to take some action.
Lisa Beres
We grew up thankfully, in a wire generation. And these children today didn't. And we don't know those effects really even it's really scary to think you know about that, because they've never had that they've never had a life or they were fully away from all of that wireless. You know, it's so creating that sleep sanctuary is so important. As building biology, environmental consultants, we all are trained on that it's part of the building biology principles, that hey, we understand you live in the modern world, you're not going to go around in a bubble. And just make sure that when you rest your body can recuperate for those eight hours a night. And that's really the goal. Right, Larry, when you say like, we�re not trying to make every room in the house perfect, but at least try to get that bedroom as healthy as possible.
Larry Gust
Live clean, let your body do his job and recover from all the ravages of the day, whatever they might be chemical, emotional, electrical.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, that�s a good point. Because, you know, these diseases that you mentioned, also links with cancer, reduced melatonin, even links to all timers, Lou Gehrig's disease, Parkinson's disease, a lot of people don't know that these studies that Larry's talking about are linking to serious things, brain tumors and that the World Health Organization does classify RF radiation as a to b carcinogen. When I tell people that Larry, they look at me like what I wouldn't I know that you know, it's like, No, they don't realize that because the cellular communications industry is doesn't want you to know that, you know, and those warnings are really deep in the pamphlet, too distant your phone, they do tell you that deep in the pamphlets, but nobody's reading that.
Larry Gust
That's right. My wife was saying, �what you read operating instructions?� I was saying, �well, I mean.�
Lisa Beres
This is Larry�s leisure reading. She�s reading romance novels, and you're reading the pamphlets.
Ron Beres
We're going to leave this segment and we're going to empower the listeners here. This is one of Larry's favorite quotes. �Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.� Margaret Mead
Larry Gust
That�s right. You can't expect the government to change the world, that's for damn sure.
Lisa Beres
No, not rely on them, right? Yeah. Oh my gosh, this has been so insightful. We always learned so much with Larry. I hope you guys enjoyed today's show as much as we did. Be sure to tune in next week to find out what the heck is going on in your home. We'll see you soon.
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Lisa Beres
This episode of healthy home hacks is sponsored by the building biology Institute to learn more about creating indoor environments that support health and wellness visit their free resources at BuildingBiologyInstitute.org.
How would you like to improve your health and keep your family safe? You're listening to the healthy home hacks podcast where we firmly believe enjoying optimal health shouldn't be a luxury. healthy home authorities and husband and wife team Ron and Lisa will help you create a home environment that will level up your health. It's time to hear from the experts. listen in on honest conversations and gain the best tips and advice. If you're ready to dive in and improve your well-being and increase your energy. You're in the right place. All right, here are your hosts, biologists, authors, media darlings, vicarious vegans and avocado aficionados, Ron and Lisa Beres.
Ron Beres
Years ago, my mother in law's dog passed away. She was yearning to adopt a new friend. In what better time then as we Jet Set it over to Kona Hawaii for an island style Christmas. Lisa's mom, Denise and her husband have been keeping an eye out online for this one tiny Chihuahua mix which completely stood out. He kind of smiled in the picture. And while he is over an hour's drive away on the other side of the island, we all sense he can be the one as we approach the home of a dusty dirt road. We were startled to see the home was also not just the home of the pop but a lot of dogs roaming the front yard. Big ones small ones, most of them chained up in all them filthy and completely stinky. Out came a large rough looking Polynesian guy. Let's just say he resembled the rock without the friendly smile. He pointed over to the dog we were interested in that we almost fell over from the stench. This miniscule dog had a huge metal collar attached to a short chain. his ribs were showing he was very timid and he coward they reached down to pet him clearly on trusting of men. Police in her mom played in a while is I kept watch. Denise decided to take the pup home. And thankfully like any good Hawaiian she had a beach towel in the car. We wrapped up the newly named Kaikoa in this blanket. Lisa sat in front holding him on our lap because insanely three-inch-long nails cut into her skin. As we held our breath in the car from the stench. We immediately dropped him off at Petco for clipping depth. That would be a challenge for even the most senior groomer as we left to get a leash, pet bed toys, treats and food and an hour later, Lisa's mom went to pick him up and as they pranced together towards back our car. We couldn't believe our eyes. Kai cola was a new dog. The former dark brown pop was now this light beige, dirt free and beaming with pride dog. In the following days. He learned to play catch he trust not just men but all people his newfound personality slowly emerged. Kaikoa was never going to become this healthy and happy dog that he is today if we hadn't rescued him from this toxic environment. Is your environment toxic? Well, it's easy to visually see a home or situation that isn't healthy. It can be difficult to identify a toxic situation when the toxins themselves are tasteless, silent, odorless and visible and deadly. We're all today living in a wireless world for wireless radiation permeates our homes from desktops, laptops, smartphones, microwaves, iPads, game stations, nearby cell towers, and the new rollout of five g under the guise of convenience exists in emerging health hazard called electro pollution and no one is immune. Someone who is a world-renowned expert on this subject and our very special guest today is Larry gust.
Lisa Beres
Welcome to the show. Larry Lawrence guest is an electrical engineer. He's a past certified mold remediator through the indoor air quality Association. And Larry is a certified building biologist, environmental consultant and a certified electromagnetic radiation specialist through the BBI the building biology Institute. Mr. Gus has been teaching classes about the indoor environment for BBI since 1996 In fact, Ron and I were his students. And we are so happy to have him with us today.
Larry Gust
Great to be here, Lisa. That does date me doesn't it, Ron?
Ron Beres
You�re a spry 29-year-old I'll tell you that.
Lisa Beres
Yes, you were 12 when you taught us?
Larry Gust
Well. I've aged you I've aged well, Ron.
Ron Beres
I think it's important for everyone to realize the amount of work that you've done in the community of building healthy homes. How many homes have you assessed in your entire career?
Larry Gust
It�s been 27 years. It seems like it's something around three to three 4000. Wow, I've been in a lot of places.
Ron Beres
Places roofs, yeah.
Larry Gust
And some, some businesses as well, you know, smaller business operation.
Lisa Beres
I bet you've seen everything, Larry. I mean, I can't imagine the stories that you must have from some of the homes.
Larry Gust
Not unlike the one Ron just told. I'll say that.
Lisa Beres
That was quite bizarre. I'm happy to say Kaikoa is thriving still today. But um, you know, Larry, with so much experience, you know, you were our instructor, we just really admire and look up to you, you're such a wealth of knowledge. What conclusions would you say have been drawn from all that experience those three to 4000 homes that you've tested?
Larry Gust
Well, yeah, keep in mind, Lisa, that this spans a period of time that was before wireless. Okay, so wireless has had a very big impact on what's going on in homes today. But in the early days, there were issues that led to the bedroom principally, and those issues in bedrooms were the sleeping conditions. And most of the time, those sleeping conditions were affected by earlier forms of electromagnetic radiation. They're still there, but they're being overwritten by wireless radiation today. So, what I was speaking about in the older days was electric fields from the way our houses are wired, has a deleterious effect on sleeping, rusting, and how you feel during the day. And we've kind of added much more radiation to that by the advent of wireless radiation in houses so but still the bedroom and okay the rest of you getting and it's your body being able to rejuvenate itself while it's resting.
Ron Beres
That's an important point. So, what are the electrical radiation components in the indoor environment?
Larry Gust
Well, there's some natural stuff going on Ron, that's the molecules are the atoms in the air are charged. And they are charged in such a way that there's a balance almost between negatively charged ones and positively charged ones. And if you have the right environment in terms of those molecules, you feel good. And if you have an environment that isn't altered by our my man made synthetic materials, you could feel bad when I mean bad, you could feel kind of abilities and comfortable and irritable, sort of like people feel in Los Angeles when the Santa Ana winds are blowing because those winds produce an ionization environment, which is not like it is by the ocean and which causes people anxiety and face breakout and the police are busy. So, there's an air ionization angle to where we live and how we furnish these homes later.
Ron Beres
That's a great point. So, you mentioned the ocean and the negative ions. Why do we feel better when we're walking down the coastline of a beautiful beach?
Larry Gust
Because there's a surplus of positive ions and for some reason, the way we're built Do you have more endorphins generated and positive ion environment that is making you feel up and positive and talkative sort of like having a couple of cups of coffee
Lisa Beres
Forget Starbucks, go to the beach.
Larry Gust
That's like the beach and you know, and then you can walk barefoot on the beach and become electrically connected to Mother Earth which is doing some other really good things like causing electrons to move up into your body and to neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, and it's not just the beach right it's anything in nature right that generates and I thought it was negative ions that were the good feeling ions.
Larry Gust
Yes, and this vocally says is positive ions are not good and negative ions are.
Lisa Beres
I always remember that because it's the opposite of what you think.
Larry Gust
The student teaches the teacher now.
Exactly this backing up we have all these things that we put into our houses for convenience which our power system electrical wiring and so with that wiring come electric fields and from Miss wiring come magnetic fields that are higher than they need to be and can have also profound health effects. And then all these devices generate radio frequency fields, and they purposely put energy into the air. And that energy is known as radio frequency radiation or RF in short, and that radiation is energy in the air does work on your body and it turns out that it's doing work on your body which isn't so beneficial. And so, we have significantly polluted the insides of our homes with what we've got our cell phone which is replaced the landline it's always we have cordless phone possibly if we still have a landline, we have Apple TV, which is pulsing all the time. We have an RF connection between our computer and the internet which is going through the air is wireless, we have a router which is receiving that signal and which is also having to broadcast back again to the various devices in the house so they can receive what's on the internet. We have these routers now that look like Darth Vader. They've got you know, 14 black antennas sticking up all over the place. And, you know, you can get a signal out in the back 40 from that antenna this in your house in order to get to the back 40, this has got to be very strong. And when you're in the house with these strong signals is it's working its magic on your body and that magic is not good.
Ron Beres
And why is that? Why does that affect us that way? Larry, is it just, we're all semi-conductive?
Larry Gust
Well, we are. I mean, so I mean, I don't really like to get into the, you know, the medical equation, other than to tell you what Martin Blanc said, the cells are telling us by producing stress proteins, which say, they don't like their environment. And when you turn on any kind of electromagnetic radiation, manmade stuff, electric fields, magnetic fields, and radio frequency fields, the cells produce these Heat Shock proteins, and there is damage that happens. And maybe I can talk a little bit to that, that you can almost better to have a medical person, a shoulder biology person to talk about what's going on there.
Lisa Beres
It's so interesting. And Larry, you mentioned the Apple TV. So that is constantly sending signals that's constantly pulsing, even if your TV is off, Correct, correct. And then that reminds me of all the Smart Hub.
Larry Gust
Roku as well, it's no different. They're all doing the same thing
Lisa Beres
They're all doing it the smart TVs and
Larry Gust
And that's another factor the Smart TV, they've suddenly become smart TVs for dumb people. So, you basically have this, you know, you keep adding, and then there's Alexa and all the other
Lisa Beres
Alexa and all of the smart hubs, right, the home smart hubs? Are they the same, Larry, because they have a you know, they have an on off switch?
Larry Gust
if they don't have a wire to transmit the signal.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, not to mention, they're recording your conversations and invading your privacy. So that's a whole other thing. Okay, so you really did a good job of explaining what were these radiations come from within our home, where are the radiation sources coming from outside of our home that we may not be aware of,
Larry Gust
if we go back to things in the past, you had a power line down your backyard that's supplying the electricity to the to the homes, there could be issues with magnetic fields from that power line, which reach into your homes, and there's things that the power company shouldn't be doing that cause that that may be much worse than it would be otherwise. There are power transmission lines, you know, the things that are on the big Erector Set towers that you see moving across country to move large blocks of power from one place to the other. They can if you're near them, they can produce powerful magnetic fields and electric fields in you know, in your home. But that type of situation would happen, but it was certainly not the majority of people. Now work communications radiation is becoming an equal opportunity exposure. Anybody can have them in their house, and you can all be exposed and suffer the kinds of consequences a few people who were living by power lines were 20 years ago,
Lisa Beres
it's hard to escape unless you have a building biology environmental consultant, come to your home and analyze and find out what's going on what and actually read the levels with instruments to actually
Larry Gust
It�s hard to escape. And I really you know, and I appreciate the plug. But if you just think about the fact that you don't want to have these things in your environment, you can hardwire your computer, you can get rid of Alexa, because doesn't work without being going through the air. You can go back to a corded telephone and use that principally not talk for hours on your cell phone. You can put a power strip on your entertainment center and you turn it off here. Don't watch it in TV. Those things are a big help. And you don't have to pay me the big bucks.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, I mean, that's true. I know. we're hardwired home. We have landline phones.
Ron Beres
Larry, you were the inspiration behind all of this. You were our initial teacher and we're so forever grateful.
Larry Gust
I know. This is not a joke. When you get sick from this stuff. It's no longer a joke and getting well is a hell of a high hill to climb. So yeah, you know, an ounce of prevention. Yeah.
Lisa Beres
It's a lot easier to prevent illness than to reverse disease, it's a lot easier to prevent it in the first place. So, it's so important to work of building biology. And if you're not familiar with building biology Institute is a nonprofit organization that's dedicated to the holistic science that you can embrace in their seminars, their courses, they have certification programs. On their website, they have fact sheets and videos on designing, building and remediating health-supporting structures that are in harmony with planetary ecology. You can find out more and become a member at www.buildingbiologyinstitute.org that's Building Biology Institute dot org.
Ron Beres
Yes, please do that. So, Larry, we talked about some of the dangers inside and outside our home. What are the symptoms that are associated with exposure to EMR?
Larry Gust
Well, first of all, there's no like if you've got yellow eyes, you've got jaundice type of situation with electromagnetic fields, so people respond differently and there. So, therefore, there's a broad range of thinking, difficulty concentrating, I can't focus on what I'm doing a RF type radiation, fatigue, sleep disruption. I mean, God Almighty, there's so many people go into sleep clinics these days, when their houses are filled with the kinds of products we were talking about just a moment ago, their sleep disruption would probably you can't guarantee these things would probably go away if they cleaned up their sleeping environment. As we talked about headaches, depression, a lot of people depressed people, it's reducing serotonin, and therefore it causes depression. You know, it has Nervous System excitation, you've got a parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system in your body, they're pretty much supposed to be balanced. But when you have excessive radiation like this, they go become unbalanced, you get into fight or flight that causes bad, bad things happening to your body, if you're under this, like being under stress all the time, or the stress is not being caused by this stuff. We put in our homes, irritability, suicidal ideation. We're hearing more about that lately. And it's interesting, you know, we all are supportive of sub solar. And solar has an interesting situation where it has to convert what comes from the panels into usable electricity for the electrical system. And that conversion process causes a lot of spiking and irregular voltages all over your house. And we've seen that as we grow in this and these, we have very much different capabilities to suppress those unwanted noise signals. We find people who have suicidal tendencies, when you turn off their photovoltaic system, it goes away. Wow, really, you know, the impacts are just so enormous. And people you know, people don't know it, then maybe they're under stress from work or they got something go on. And they don't like work, maybe they think this is why it's happening. But yeah, it�s hard to pinpoint sometimes.
Lisa Beres
This is an interesting where green sustainable building and bio biology are very different. A lot of people think building biology is you know, the same as green building, but it's building biology is always about the health of the occupant, and in green building, like the solar, that's such a great example of something that somebody would think is not only doing good for the electric bill but for the environment. And here it could be causing you so much harm and electric cars, too, right? I mean, you're in a little electric box when you're driving around and that it's kind of, I don't know, I guess trying to go back to natural although solar sounds natural you would think that was that is doing that. But really just honoring the earth and connecting like you said, and I don't know if barefoot and earthing would help if you had solar in your house with doing that help at all, or not really?
Larry Gust
Well, I've had one client who couldn't get out of her electrically included situation was being grounded at night did help her sleep some but it was not a full solution. The full solution is to understand what these energies are and where they exist in your house and to minimize your exposure to them. it'll pay dividends long term in terms of your health.
Lisa Beres
We talked about a lot of different electromagnetic radiation is one kind worse than another. Are there different types? Can you kind of elaborate on that?
Larry Gust
Well, yes, I mean, the radiation before communications, RF communications radiations that we're talking about. So much today, we were exposed to a fairly smooth, undulating change in the voltage in our house is called alternating current or AC electricity or AC voltage. Then we began to introduce things that were more erratic and changing much more suddenly. And it would appear 30 years of research shows that our bodies react more negatively to pulsing or rapid changes in electromagnetic energy and that of course exactly, is exactly what we developed for wireless communications.
Lisa Beres
Everything that we talked about the smart hubs your cell phone, your laptop, your kids baby monitor, right I mean all of it your cordless phone when Larry mentioned going back to a landline, he did not mean a cordless phone. Yes, it plugs into the wall but it sends those pulse signals constantly. And that was something Larry came to our house years and years ago and Ron was working next to his desk was his cordless phone. And he was easy to agitate, you know, just sort of on edge. And you know, when we tested that it was shocking, right? The cordless phones are huge emitter.
Ron Beres
We're in a multi-level home too. And the emission from the cordless phone in the kitchen, which was below our bedroom? Oh, yeah.
Larry Gust
Tell me you have to understand, right, Ron that the idea is you want to be able to use a handset or your phone in your bedroom. So, the signals got to get through the floor. Right, you know, and they remember if you're out in your backyard with that phone, you probably didn't work. Well. You know, that isn�t the case with cordless phones today. They've souped those damn things up because people want to like walk down the block and talk on their phone. Well, that makes the power level in your house even greater. I mean, it's hundreds, hundreds of times greater than it used to be right with all of the things that we brought in Perseids a cordless phone if you still even have one. It's thousands or 10s of thousands of times more pulsing energy in your house and existed even 10 years ago.
Lisa Beres
Wow. We're living in a toxic soup. The microwave like people. I mean, the microwave is different, because that's really only pulsating when it's on. I don't know, do people use microwaves?
Larry Gust
That�s true, but you can measure at five rooms away when its on.
Lisa Beres
Right. It's on? Yeah, that just goes through the walls. Yeah, people are kind of surprised until they see it. Would you agree with that, Larry, I mean, when you go in there, and you got your instruments, and you're showing them, it's like light bulbs go off. But when you tell somebody, it's hard sometimes to get them to understand, because they're invisible. We don't see them. We don't smell them. We don't taste them. These pulsing signals are affecting our cellular communication and our DNA and all of that.
Larry Gust
And the effects like creep up on you slowly. Its sort of like putting a frog in a pot and turning the heat on in the water is heating up. We're like the frog and we're in the RF water. Right. It's heating up. And it's I mean, we're getting really serious now with the advent of 5g, you know, we brought the burner like right under the pot when it was a foot away from the pot before. We're all and it's another one of these equal opportunity radiators is going to be on your block within
Lisa Beres
Coming to a block near you.
Larry Gust
Yeah, well, yeah, within 22 houses of you and you are not going to be able to escape it without shielding. And if it's like in front of your house, you know, God help you. You know, we're talking about RF radiation that went from 1000 to 100,000. Wow. 400,000 this is just absolutely insane.
Lisa Beres
Do you have a distance? That I wouldn't say it's safe, but it recommended distance for a 5G installation?
Larry Gust
No, the antennas are put up so often for the purpose of reaching you. Yeah, they have to know within a very, you know, within a foot or so where that device that wants to get the 5g signal, the 4g system, the current system, we have is, is triangulating on your location. And the antennas have got to be closer to the homes where the 5g device would be used in order to actually find out where that device is, are you and then they got to aim the fifth-generation beam directly at that device. Right through your husband who's in the way.
Lisa Beres
And it's going right through.
Ron Beres
Going through the husband to her still. I tell you this can be overwhelming cuz he's like, I can't run away from this. What can I do? It's Yeah, that's not true. Because when you have someone like Larry gas to come to your home, and you know, create a strategy and a plan and protect you from this, it's eye-opening, you see the results physically, you can see the difference from before and after. And it's empowering. So, you can't run away from the 21st century. Right. So 5g is here.
Larry Gust
Well, you can't but I would say, Ron, that this is such a draconian change in our in your ability to escape this. Unless you want your great at great cost to you, you can escape this and not be able to use your yard or patio. People really got to get with their local five g resistance group and start adding their voice to the people who are already objecting to the government taking away our rights by making this installation be totally without local involvement. They can just ram it right through your town without you or your or your elected officials be able to do a damn thing about it.
Lisa Beres
It's crazy. We did talk about that. And another podcast on how you know it's getting hard for the cities to stand up and say to the government, no, we don't want these towers. And these antennas here. They have no legal rights. With health. They can't use health as a reason. That's right to right to say no, we don't want that antenna.
Larry Gust
And the big boys are in the business who have billions of billions of dollars are able to hire their lawyers and harass the hell out of your city. They can afford to defend themselves.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, do what you can do. Because all of these things like putting your cell phone on airplane mode and turning off your router and getting hardwired and all those things at least it's going to take off the stress of your body burden. Yes, you may still be getting hit with some of these other 5G and those kinds of things. But you do have power over a lot of things in your day to day that you can do right now. That doesn't cost you anything. So, you know, I just want to make sure people understand that it's not like
Larry Gust
Most people don't have 5g at this point. We also want to add that, you know, you could sleep under an RF tent that you put over your bed and that's something that you can take down and if you are in an apartment, liver, you can take it with you as opposed to doing things to shield your house, which you can't take with you.
Lisa Beres
That's a great yeah, that's like a canopy. Right? It looks just like a canopy tent. And that just hooks it to the ceiling, right? That's pretty easy to put up.
Larry Gust
Exactly. If you live on the second floor. You got to put something on the floor under the bed. The people selling it have a piece for the floor.
Lisa Beres
You have to have that you're saying the canopy won't work?
Larry Gust
You know, the first floor is filled with bouncing radiation that's going to come up through the floor, so you really don't do a good enough job. Just putting the tent over the bed.
Lisa Beres
Okay, and that's only first floor bedrooms?
Larry Gust
Right. First floor bedrooms are fine.
Lisa Beres
We're on the third floor. So, we're going to need that. We're going to get a canopy. You inspired me today.
Larry Gust
You know, there�s silver threads in there. You'll feel really good. the luxury of sleeping in it.
Ron Beres
O.k. Larry, you were part of the exercise where you actually helped paint the graphite black paint all over our bedroom and shielded us that was
Larry Gust
Are you still living in that black bedroom run? Is that a beautiful coat of paint over that?
Ron Beres
No, we're in a different home now. But that was good.
Larry Gust
Yes, yes, you can paint the walls with a paint that reflects RF and then you paint them again with the color that you would desire not leave it black. So, but yeah, we do have people who you know want to create a sleeping environment free of RF and it also will block electric fields from the walls as well. So, you clean you know you can clean up two things by the painting
Lisa Beres
Is the shielding paint good for will that help with 5g then?
Larry Gust
Oh, sure. It works on
Lisa Beres
It works on everything. Okay. So that's you know, I mean, we did it. It's not that labor extensive. And it's, I mean, there's an expense like anything, but you know, it's doable. It's very, very doable.
Ron Beres
Because Larry, back in the day, we had to order the paint from Germany.
Larry Gust
They�re coming from Canada now.
Ron Beres
Oh, is it Canada? Okay
Lisa Beres
Yeah, Larry. I've seen it on the Walmart website online. Y-shield paint?
Larry Gust
Mm hmm. That they have it on their website is pretty damn interesting. I mean, I Yeah, well, you know, the BBI website in 10 years, we've quadrupled the number of people coming to it. I mean, there's just a growing realization, you guys are partially responsible for that. Because of publicity, there's a growing realization that this is a significant issue to each individual's health. And you have to end because the government is not helping you guys take action on your own.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, with so many things, not just the EMR, but a lot of chemicals and that too, but going back to how many homes you've tested, gosh, you know, thousands and thousands in your career. Can you give us some examples of ones that had EMR problems that stand out to you?
Larry Gust
If we go back a few years and so that we don't have so much of the radiofrequency radiation and I dealt with a family that was down in Orange County who had an autistic boy, and part of the autism treatment is the discovery of heavy metals in their body and then wanting to get rid of those heavy metals through various methods that the doctors have and, and that boy, they had been treating him for heavy metals and that he couldn't he was unable to get rid of them. So, I went into the home now what did I find? The principal thing I really found was electric fields in the bedroom and high magnetic fields, very high magnetic fields caused by a problem with the hallway light which I left on all night because we're young. And there was an early version of a Wi-Fi router underneath his bedroom in the office. Yeah, those are fairly weak in those days but you know that it wasn't a big deal here. I mean, it was a get rid of the router and hardwire turn off the circuits that affect the electric fields in his sleeping area. And having an electrician come in and appropriately wire this the switches for the hall light and he started dumping heavy metals just after that like crazy
Lisa Beres
Wow, that is so interesting. His body literally constantly being bombarded with all of that. You know, that's good just to reiterate what Larry just said, think about not just your room but what's around your room, what's under your room, what is on the other side of the walls of the refrigerator your router? Can you move things can you make a simple move of your bed to get further away because as we know distance is key when it comes to RF.? We want to provide as much distance as we can like we don't get great reception in our home and I always have like one bar on my phone and obviously you think you think most people would think that's good. It's actually worse, those signals are having to work so hard to reach you and it is so frustrating. You know, I try to keep my phone on airplane mode pretty much throughout the day unless I'm making a call.
Ron Beres
You'd be so proud.
Larry Gust
I am. So, the one bar shows you how strong the signal is coming from the cell phone tower. Right. So, if your phone says, Oh, that's a pretty weak signal, that means I'm going to have to put out a lot of power to get to the tower so I can be received. So, your phone turns up the output power, you get affected by that. But if you're not using your phone, and you don't have only one bar, you can be thankful because from you, for your service provider, the coverages are going to your house, which is great, because you don't have the radiation, at least from them. Now, what happens with, you know, with the other two providers, you know, we don't know because your phone isn't monitoring their signal.
Lisa Beres
Oh, good point. Yeah.
Larry Gust
Tell people to be thankful if you only got one bar on your phone.
Lisa Beres
Okay. Okay. Thank you for that. So, it's only, okay, that's a great point. It's only if I'm making a call where I would get affected. I actually called the cell phone company to say, hey, because you know, we have the same provider, but Ron's phone gets better coverage. So, I said, Hey, something wrong with my phone. We checked all these things. They said, you know, what, we can send you a mini-tower.
Larry Gust
For free, right?
Lisa Beres
Thanks, Larry, how many homes have you inspected? Or what percentage would you say where the situation is so bad that you have that you advise the person to move out of the home? What would you say is the percentage of that? One or 2%. Okay, that's good. That's really good to hear. Okay, so most can be remediated,
Larry Gust
You know, we have to keep in mind that it was one of the remediations, I'm recommending you move to another home. And it's especially if it's involved with wireless radiation, you might have it not have it today. And then it gets installed tomorrow. So, it's going to cost a large chunk of money to sell your house and move, it may be better to fix the existing house.
Lisa Beres
Right? That's a good point.
Ron Beres
So, what can a person do about EMR, Larry?
Larry Gust
First of all, listen to us that it's it actually, it's actually their bodies don't like it. And there are certain things you can do on your own without hiring me or anybody like me to come in things you can do on your own to improve your situation. And those are kind of like turn off a circuit breaker for the plugs in your room, get rid of your Wi-Fi and hardwire your computers ditch Alexa is telling the government what you're doing anyway. I mean, I really strongly recommend going back to a landline. I mean, you can get you know, voiceover internet type line, you don't have to go back all the way back to the days of copper wires and AT&T, but use a landline and call for your cell phone to your landline and leave your cell phone off. Don't have it in the bedroom with you at night.
Lisa Beres
Ugh, teenagers. anyone listening? I say teenagers, but it's not just teenagers. So many people sleep in their parents helping people sleep with the phone near their head on all night. It's shocking. I just let's reiterate that because if you're a parent, and you're listening, make sure your kids aren't doing that. I mean, at least turn the phone on airplane mode, you can still use it as an alarm clock when it's on airplane mode. And you know, you're going to survive not checking your texts for eight hours. It's like, oh, my goodness.
Larry Gust
You might sleep better. Yeah. Wake up and have to check your text because you'll be sleeping. Yeah, exactly. You don't charge your cell phone next to you on your nightstand. Because you need a charging cord has got electric fields and that gets on your body. And that's disturbing the sleep. So, I would say put it across the room and plug it in over there and put it on airplane mode. And the alarm goes off. You'll have to get up to turn it off.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, it'll get you out of bed. It's a win-win. It's that's there are so many things. Distance turning off. just turn off the router. Right, Larry? I mean, I know you said hardwired.
Larry Gust
Hardwire or turn it off at night when you go to bed. Or better yet put it on a timer that has a backup battery. And so, if the power goes off, it doesn't lose its settings. Yeah. And you don't have to, Oh, I forgot to turn it off. I don't want to get out of bed. So, if you have an o'clock or 10 o'clock whenever you go to bed and that's get rid of your cordless phones, get rid of your photos, phones, right?
Lisa Beres
Yes, get rid of those.
Ron Beres
Larry, you can actually you'll create you'll put a demand switch in there.
Larry Gust
You can well you know when I said turn off the power to the bedroom, I mean that is usually to a heavy hitter in terms of electric fields. But generally, there's more than one but you need to have instruments to figure out which circuits are that are affecting the bedroom other than the one that supplies outlets there on the bed which is obvious, right? Right. You turn it off and whatever you got plugged into on the work so you know that right away.
Lisa Beres
And obviously alarm clocks. I don't know that really a lot of people are still using them with some people are using their cell phones but obviously alarm clocks are a big emitter of electricity. fields and magnetic fields.
Larry Gust
If you go back magnetic field, it's probably only two feet from your head. And whereas the fields don't start to really taper off till three feet, so I like your phone better on airplane mode. Yeah, I like one of those old-fashioned clocks. And when you turn off the outlets all around your bed, you're going to have a clock plugged in anyway, so something on the battery is really necessary.
Lisa Beres
Battery. That's what we use. We have a little battery, a little travel battery clock, it's just probably like a $2. Clock.
Ron Beres
I remember a funny story a long time ago, so Larry was testing our bedroom. And we were so proud. We had this electric field protected clock.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, they advertised it as a low EMF, EMF clock, and I spent a lot of money on it. It was the big digital clock that Larry�s talking about.
Ron Beres
This is great. Ron and Lisa, this is great. But it has a magnetic field.
Lisa Beres
Do you remember that? Larry, it was giving off a strong magnetic field?
Larry Gust
Was that a Schumann? Resonance clock?
Lisa Beres
I don�t know I bought it. I bought it a long time ago.
Larry Gust
The thing that I want to leave with people is it means this is 5G serious. This is big stuff. You everybody, nobody has got a different set of cells in their body that responds differently to manmade radiation, we're all made out of the same stuff. And this cellular response, making Heat Shock proteins is happening and everybody, some people are symptomatic. And they have to look for relief. Other people at this point in their lives are not what they call asymptomatic. But these are still happening to you on the inside of your body. And the question is, you know, how long? How much risk? Are you willing to take that like 10 years down the road, or five years down the road or next week, you are not going to be affected by the conditions you're living in at home? Or do you want to take some action, because there are three or 4000 peer reviewed research studies that show this is bad for us, you want to take some action.
Lisa Beres
We grew up thankfully, in a wire generation. And these children today didn't. And we don't know those effects really even it's really scary to think you know about that, because they've never had that they've never had a life or they were fully away from all of that wireless. You know, it's so creating that sleep sanctuary is so important. As building biology, environmental consultants, we all are trained on that it's part of the building biology principles, that hey, we understand you live in the modern world, you're not going to go around in a bubble. And just make sure that when you rest your body can recuperate for those eight hours a night. And that's really the goal. Right, Larry, when you say like, we�re not trying to make every room in the house perfect, but at least try to get that bedroom as healthy as possible.
Larry Gust
Live clean, let your body do his job and recover from all the ravages of the day, whatever they might be chemical, emotional, electrical.
Lisa Beres
Yeah, that�s a good point. Because, you know, these diseases that you mentioned, also links with cancer, reduced melatonin, even links to all timers, Lou Gehrig's disease, Parkinson's disease, a lot of people don't know that these studies that Larry's talking about are linking to serious things, brain tumors and that the World Health Organization does classify RF radiation as a to b carcinogen. When I tell people that Larry, they look at me like what I wouldn't I know that you know, it's like, No, they don't realize that because the cellular communications industry is doesn't want you to know that, you know, and those warnings are really deep in the pamphlet, too distant your phone, they do tell you that deep in the pamphlets, but nobody's reading that.
Larry Gust
That's right. My wife was saying, �what you read operating instructions?� I was saying, �well, I mean.�
Lisa Beres
This is Larry�s leisure reading. She�s reading romance novels, and you're reading the pamphlets.
Ron Beres
We're going to leave this segment and we're going to empower the listeners here. This is one of Larry's favorite quotes. �Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.� Margaret Mead
Larry Gust
That�s right. You can't expect the government to change the world, that's for damn sure.
Lisa Beres
No, not rely on them, right? Yeah. Oh my gosh, this has been so insightful. We always learned so much with Larry. I hope you guys enjoyed today's show as much as we did. Be sure to tune in next week to find out what the heck is going on in your home. We'll see you soon.
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Buy your shielding paint and fiber from GeoVital in Austria where it was originally created and tested.
Excellent tip, Sharon! Thank you for sharing. I’m including the link to the shielding paint